Office Trivia: Part III

Office Trivia: Part III

If this far made it you, truly a master you are (in the words of Master Yoda)! Let’s see if you can complete this triathlon.

The Water Cooler Wizardry


  1. What percentage of office workers have witnessed a coworker cry at work?
  2. How many calories does an hour-long meeting burn?
  3. What's the average number of unread emails in an office worker's inbox?
  4. What percentage of office workers have fallen asleep in a meeting?
  5. How many hours per year does the average office worker spend dealing with IT issues?
  6. What's the most common office nickname for the refrigerator?
  7. What percentage of office workers have sent an email to the wrong person?
  8. How many productive hours does the average office worker have in a day?
  9. What's the average number of times an office worker says "busy" in a week?
  10. What percentage of office workers have used company time to plan a vacation?


  1. 41%! The other 59% were probably too busy crying themselves to notice.
  2. About 60-100 calories. So, you'd need to sit through about 35 meetings to burn off one slice of office pizza. Suddenly, those meetings don't seem so bad, do they?
  3. 651! And 57 of those are from your boss with the subject line "URGENT: Please read ASAP!"
  4. 39%! The other 61% have mastered the art of sleeping with their eyes open.
  5. 22 hours! That's almost a full day of turning it off and on again, and still ending up calling IT anyway.
  6. The "Science Project Incubator." It's where forgotten lunches go to evolve into new life forms.
  7. 78%! And 100% of those people have experienced a moment of sheer panic immediately after hitting "Send."
  8. 3 hours! The rest of the time is spent in meetings about how to be more productive.
  9. 5.7 times! It's the corporate equivalent of a Jedi mind trick. "You don't need to assign me more work..."
  10. 60%! The other 40% were too busy planning their vacation to respond to the survey.

Congratulations, you've made it to the end, Cubicle Comrades. If you proceed to the water cooler next to the room where the 20th meeting for today is take place, you can claim your medal.


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