The Office Politics
Aleem Abdullah, SHRM-CP, MBA-HRM, MSc
Manager Human Resources at YKK Pakistan (Private) Limited.
There are some characters in office politics that play different roles, they are:
The (Wanna Be) Alphas
This type of person will always try to create their hegemony and to prove that, they will always be trying to find reasons to subdue others and worst is that they later try to show it as an example to others.
The Lawrence of Office
Just like Lawrence of Arabia their role is to divide people for that they will always try to find reasons and if they don’t find any, they will try their best to create reasons by circulating misinformation. They are best at creating delusions infront of superiors.
The Nomads
They will try their best to get under the umbrella of Bosses, for that they use flattering and their best effort to prove them that they are the most loyal to that boss. What is even more interesting that this type of person is always roaming to seek much more powerful superior and attach to them.
The Spy
Well the name tells the story, they will try to be nice with everyone but they won’t even spare the best of their friends at workplace. They will spend hours in the rooms of bosses to share spying information regarding employees and just like Lawrence of Office they will often share frivolous information just to prove their worth. They will also keep monitoring social media of employees and try to make news from each and every action.
Ever wonder why these characters exist? They just want empowerment; seek attention without doing the hard work. We must understand that such people will only create intoxication of workplace. Everyone should try to evaluate themselves and try to avoid becoming one of such character.
Have you ever encountered any of aforementioned? How did you tackle the situation?