Office Furniture Solutions is now Castell!
Dear Partners,
We are excited to share important news regarding the evolution of our company and how this change will benefit you. We are delighted to announce that our company name will be changing from Office Furniture Solutions to Castell starting today.
This change will allow us to build on 25 successful years of business, that would not have been possible without you. Our commitment to our customers and partners remains our highest priority. In rebranding ourselves as Castell, we have added to our service portfolio to help our clients leverage their workplace to meet their business goals. Our enhanced service offering now includes:
This rebranding will not affect or delay any current or future orders with OFS. However, this letter is intended to offer notice that all invoicing, packaging, and related documents will be rebranded as Castell moving forward. Office Furniture Solutions will remain as an exclusive vendor to Castell providing preowned furniture and sustainability solutions.
Please note that our rebranding and name change will not impact our shipping and billing address, tax identification, or invoicing information, which all remain the same.
We thank you for your continued support and patronage. We look forward to growing our relationship with you as we move into this exciting new chapter. To learn more about Castell please visit or contact your Castell representative.