Office 2016 for Mac Install
Office 2016 for Mac Install
As a user of many different OS’s, and types of devices, I jumped on Office 2016 for Mac within a few days of its release. Here is a brief overview of my experience with the installation.
Our company is running Office 365 Enterprise E3, which entitles us to the latest release of Microsoft products; non-O365 subscribers will have to wait until later in the year (September) for this option.
The installation was straightforward- Login to the Office 365 portal ( and select Install.
Allow the installation to close your applications if needed.
A reboot was not required after the install but I prefer to do so.
When selecting each of the office applications, you will get a message regarding your keychain. I selected Always Allow.
The only application that took a while to start was Outlook.
Once each application loads for the first time, I had no issues bringing up the next time.
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Tested on a MacBook Air running Yosemite