Offer Faster Service
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Offer Faster Service

a.k.a The easy way to become more competitive.

Customers, both consumers, and businesses care about being treated well. Around 70% of all customer’s buying decisions depend on the overall experience they get. Employees in support roles have a significant role in how customers feel about the brand, and whether they come back to buy or subscribe. 

It’s not surprising then that fast and accurate issue resolution is one of the hallmarks of a top-tier support team. Unfortunately, mindless repetitive work may be slowing down your team’s response times and hurting your ability to react to surges in support needs. What’s worse, when employees face a lot of performance pressure they tend to burn out faster, and churn becomes a substantial cost to your business. 

But how to combine fast service with happy team members? One answer is to provide your support teams with tools that remove repetitive work and improve communication accuracy. TextExpander not only makes it faster and easier to provide quality replies to customers but also gives you centralized control over all the text content used across the organization. When you make it easy to select and quickly use recurring text, you reduce repetitive work, keep your team stress-free, and serve more customers with the resources you have.

“An invaluable platform for quickly sharing and using the right responses within your team.”

Were you aware that there are at least three relevant reasons to start using TextExpander?

Know Your Team Will Send The Right Message

In the fast-paced world of business, things change constantly - and errors in messaging can have serious consequences. 

TextExpander lets you make new approved messaging available to every team member instantly with just a few keystrokes, ensuring your team remains consistent, current, and accurate. Your team members will consistently know the right message for the right person at the right time, without shared messaging docs and expensive retraining or onboarding. 

Focus On What Matters

Repetitive tasks like data entry and typing out standard replies eat up precious time for your team and keep them from using their real skills.

With TextExpander, your team can say goodbye to copy-paste. By eliminating repetitive text entry, cumbersome searches for updated messaging, and correcting errors in communication, your team can focus on what matters most - helping customers (and prospective customers) make the right decisions.  

Same Team, Higher Performance

Team performance isn’t just about efficiency - it’s about delivering a relevant message that resonates. 

Supercharge your team’s output with always up-to-date scripts, new product data, and custom contract terms that work in any app they use regularly. Give your customer support the current answers to all customer questions. Allow your team the flexibility to customize the boilerplate language to make it more relevant and drive better outcomes.

A Few Final Thoughts

Effective communication is at the heart of building a successful, customer-focused enterprise. Done well, it allows strong connections with customers and drives significant results. Done poorly, it impedes business growth and degrades customer relationships.

What’s worse, team members lose hours of productive time each day executing repetitive tasks. This sort of drudgery takes away from the real business of connecting with customers and driving meaningful results. 

TextExpander offers a powerful way for your team members to standardize communication and eliminate repetitive tasks. By offering your team a constantly-updated library of approved text content to use everywhere they communicate, TextExpander ensures that all your customer communications are consistent, current, and accurate.

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See Customer Support Success With TextExpander


