Is This Offensive to You?
Alicia Economos
Speaker | Author | Founder & Director of Wholehearted Living Inc. - a non profit dedicated to enhancing mental, physical and spiritual health by helping people develop relationships that thrive!
When you review your past few days or weeks, how often have you been offended? Maybe you prefer to think of it as being mad, disappointed or hurt.
So before you proceed, there’s an important question to ask yourself; can you handle the truth?
If so, here it is: If you’re easily offended, your emotional wounds are bleeding onto others. In other words, your emotional wounds are damaging your relationships. If you haven’t learned to take care of your own needs, you’re probably fairly needy.?As a result, your needs can become too much for others to meet.
Does that offend you? Do you take it as a personal affront? If so, that’s just evidence of my point.
If you want healthier and happier relationships, you have to do the work; get help to emotionally declutter your relationship with yourself. It’s not about taking a course and checking a box, it’s about learning and practicing a new way of life –learning to LIKE who you are so you're more confident and, therefore, less easily offended.
Living your best life - living wholeheartedly - means loving God, yourself and others with ALL your heart. If you’ve not yet learned to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, that’s where healing work begins. (Romans 12:1 NLT)
*** My mission is to reduce suffering by living wholeheartedly and equipping others to do the same. If you're ready to do the work, enrollment is now open for the Wholehearted Living online course, "Decluttering Your Relationship with Yourself and Your Past."