Offboarding Edition
Terminating employment is never easy.
Even when an employee has taken complete advantage of the company and you are frustrated with the way they are treating team members and/or the company, when it comes down to the act of having the conversation, it can be difficult. It also can be very damaging if not done right.
Here are some tips on what not to do when dismissing an employee.
Go in unprepared
Not having a plan for the conversation could lead to so many issues. You will want to have all of the documentation ready (termination letter, final pay stub - if possible, a copy of their employment agreement, benefits information, etc.). Having all of this information helps with two things:
Put yourself in an unsafe and vulnerable position
Always have an escape plan. You should have easy access to an exit. Also, if you predict that the termination could become aggressive, have a second person join you in the meeting. If security is needed, have them waiting outside the door.
People are unpredictable and when something undesirable is happening to them they could react in a way that you didn't see coming. I have seen the nicest, sweetest ladies shift into attack-mode when I had to let them go. In fact, one even lunged at me. Luckily, I made certain that I had distance between us and I had a good escape route in preparation for an action of that nature.
Give them a bunch of reasons why they are being fired
Unless you have solid and undeniable proof that they are being dismissed for just cause (which is a very difficult thing to prove, by the way...but that's another story), make sure you stick to the fact that they are just not a fit.
You might be asking, what if they ask me a bunch of questions and I feel I need to give them a little more than just "not a fit"? The issue with giving reasons is that you open up the possibility for them to submit a claim against you (human rights, employment standards, privacy, health & safety). One small reason could lead to one big issue for the company. The more you stick to the fact that they aren't a fit, the more you are protecting your company.
Fire them on a Friday
Studies have proven that Friday is the worst day to let someone go. First of all, it messes with the payroll department for submitting all of their documentation and final pay. Secondly, it gives the employee (or should I say former employee) the opportunity to seek advice throughout the week if needed. For instance, if you plan on provided an additional severance sum over and above the minimum standard termination pay, and you ask them to sign a Release of General Liability, they will need time to find a lawyer and discuss this legal document. That is just one example of many.
Allow them to serve their notice instead of providing termination pay
In special circumstances where you can trust the employee to do the work effectively and not defame the company, then you can allow them to serve their termination notice.
However, it is better practice to give them termination pay in lieu of notice so that they do not have the opportunity to defame the company and possibly taint their co-workers. They also will most likely be less inclined to complete the work to the best of their ability and may use company equipment and time to search for new employment or even just surf the web.
Overall, make sure you are prepared and that you are protecting your company when it comes time to dismiss an employee.
Did you say free????
I sure did.
At Kiy HR Services Inc, we offer freebies without a catch. Yep, you read that right...WITHOUT. A. CATCH.
So what are these freebies, you ask? Keep scrolling to find out.
Hiring Your First Employee Masterclass
Coming up on June 22, 2022 we are offing a FREE masterclass to entrepreneurs who are hiring their first ever employee. You will learn:
Click on the image above or right here to register
One Hour HR Strategy Session
This is NOT a sales call. For one hour we will talk about your business and your plans with your people. We will focus on you and what you need to succeed. At the end of the session you will receive a full report on our discussion.
Click on the image above or right here to get started
HR Checklist for Small Business
Sometimes you just need to see everything in a snapshot to know what you need to succeed. This checklist will help you, know matter what stage your small business is in with your employees. Whether you are just starting out or your have been doing this for a while, this will help you along.
As a bonus, when you download the HR Checklist for Small Business, you are automatically subscribed to our email list where you will receive more tips on the checklist itself. Enjoy!
Click on the image above or click here to download