Off-Site Biodiversity Units Explained: A Simple Guide for Landowners and Developers
Integrated Land Management Ltd
Specialists in the creation and management of Biodiversity Gain Sites and the sale of BNG units.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a vital component of sustainable development in England, ensuring that development projects leave the environment in a better state than before. However, achieving BNG on-site isn't always feasible, space constraints, land suitability, or limitations of the nature of the development can impact delivery. This article provides a clear and simple explanation of off-site units and how they work.
What Are Off-Site Biodiversity Units?
Off-site biodiversity units are a key part of the BNG strategy. Simply put, they allow developers to meet their BNG obligations by purchasing biodiversity units from landowners who have created or enhanced habitats on their land. These units are calculated using the Defra Biodiversity Metric, which assigns a biodiversity value to different habitats based on their type, condition, and size.
How Do Off-Site Biodiversity Units Work?
The process of using off-site biodiversity units begins with a baseline assessment of the development site, followed by an impact assessment to determine how many biodiversity units will be lost during construction. If the on-site measures are insufficient, the developer can purchase off-site biodiversity units to compensate for the shortfall.
These units are registered in the Biodiversity Gain Site Register, a formal record that tracks and ensures compliance with BNG requirements. The legal and regulatory framework around off-site units is robust, ensuring that developers fulfil their obligations and that landowners manage their sites according to agreed-upon standards.
Benefits of Off-Site Biodiversity Units for Developers
Benefits of Off-Site Biodiversity Units for Developers
Challenges and Considerations
While off-site biodiversity units offer many advantages, the availability of suitable sites, unit pricing, and compliance with legal requirements can be complex. Working with experts like ILM ensures developers and landowners can navigate these challenges effectively.
Off-site biodiversity units offer a flexible solution for developers and new opportunities for landowners. ILM can help you achieve your BNG goals, ensuring your projects contribute positively to the environment.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your BNG goals.