Off the Shelf Sunday School--Romans

Off the Shelf Sunday School--Romans

Life with the Holy Spirit (8:12-17)

Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. 

1.        Born-again Christians have an obligation to let the Holy Spirit change them and lead them into holy living. Why is this? What does it mean to be obligated to someone?

2.        Humans are made to serve. We are driven by our passions and desires and so serve them. When we serve passions and desires that are not from God, this leads to death. This is the fate of humans without Jesus. Christians are given a new nature when they are born-again through faith in Jesus. Christians are a new creation and are adopted by God as his children. Jesus becomes their Lord and Savior. Jesus paid our sin debt so that we are indebted to him. (Jn 1:10-12; 2 Cor 5:17-20)

3.        The Holy Spirit within born-again Christians gives them assurance of their salvation and love for God. This is what it means to have the Spirit of sonship. God is our father. We respect him and look to him for leadership and to provide for us. These are signs that testify that we are God’s children. (2 Cor 13:5)

4.        What does it mean to be led by the Spirit of God? How has God changed you and how does he speak to you?

5.        What is an heir? How does being a child of God make us heirs with Jesus? An heir requires the death of someone in order to realize the promises made.

6.        Christians share in the sufferings of Jesus as they follow his commands. One day Christians will become like Jesus and share in his glory. (Mt 10:37-39; Mt 16:24-25; 2 Cor 3:1-7; 2 Tim 3:12; 1 Pet 4:12-19) 


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