On or Off?: The Binary Nature of The Human Condition
Julio Rivera
Dad, writer, author of Brokedown Sensei and the upcoming Internal Jiu Jitsu, coach, BJJ/judo/JJJ black belt, self-defense instructor, mental health advocate, speaker, former world masters jiu itsu champion.
My 8 year old daughter and I once saw this amazing digital simulation of a developing human fetus. It showed the fertilized egg dividing into 2, then 4, 8, 16 and 32 individual cells. We both marveled at these simple steps in a complex process. That exponential jump stuck with my daughter. She’s constantly seeing things that remind her of that video, and will turn to me and say, “Daddy, it’s like the baby video: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32!”
Computing power has been increasing exponentially for years. So much so that scientists now predict artificial intelligence may come close to replicating consciousness in the not so distant future. It’s just a matter of transmitting enough data to create such a complex system.
In the 1830’s, Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail devised a method of transmitting messages via electrical wire using a simple on/off system. By using short dots or long dashes, they could send coded messages over long distances almost instantly. While the use of spaces means Morse code isn’t really binary, its basic premise, using two essential symbols that make up an entire alphabet, can be seen in computer code, and even in the way light carries data.
Computer binary code uses 1’s and 0’s to transmit instructions. Like flipping a light switch repeatedly to send morse code, where each group of light flickers carries a defined value, each 1 and 0 in binary represents a specific character. A single photon (a particle of light) can carry 10 bits of information. When using binary, every photon only needs to carry a 1 or a 0 - just one bit of information per particle of light.
Everything is made of light, energy slowed down so that it can be perceived - information is everywhere. The late physicist Stephen Hawking even discovered that information contained in matter that goes into a black hole is preserved, encoded in its outer edge. The information is never lost.
As humans, we’re either turned on or turned off by a situation, person, place, or thing. After unconsciously processing millions of bits of data, we come to our decisions - yay or nay. Thumbs up or thumbs down. We feel good or we don’t. Of course we complicate our lives and decisions with way too many possibilities, but the options are really only acceptance or resistance. Flow or don’t flow. On or off.
We see cause and effect as two ends of a pole, but each moment in between also exists. Along with the beginning and end, these individual moments stand alone - while still being just a part of the whole. The sum of those moments make up the overall experience, not just the beginning and end. You’ve gotta calculate the value of each symbol, each feeling in each moment, before adding them up to get the real answer.
Life is remembered in moments, but lived in transitions. Enjoy a process, sway casually between the 1’s and 0’s, and the reward is sweeter. Resist throughout, and the end is just sweet relief. Whether each moment is approached with love or fear will ultimately decide.
When you boil down the choices, that’s all there is - love or fear. Everything in between is an overly complicated variation of those two sides. Either way is you - right side up or upside down. Buddha talked of the middle way as the path to a life free from suffering. That middle way isn’t resisting going up or down, it’s accepting the message that the up or down feeling is sending you. There is information in those feelings.
The combination of these ups and downs are what make up the language of your life. The message you send with every change in attitude is one of accepting or resisting the present. The first lesson I taught my judo students is that resistance takes infinitely more energy than acceptance does. Resistance requires time under tension, like a levee blocking the flow of a river - while acceptance requires nothing. A river flows of its own accord. The current only stops when acted upon.
The breaks in the flow of your energy, the off and on, create the pacing of your story. More or less time spent in this or that state influences everything around you. Life comes together and falls apart, each pulsation sending another - shaping the story you tell yourself. When it feels overwhelming, narrow your choices down to 0 or 1 - fear or love - then act accordingly.