Jerry Busone
Everyday’s a clean slate you don’t know what will happen so have a great-attitude and do your best
There are always unseen forces ready to support or detract us from our dreams. So ask yourselves, what are you truly doing with these precious moments today to manifest your visions of tomorrow?
Everyone is so wrapped in the pandemic that’s I’d like to I remind you don’t walk from your dreams and goals . I see at my former company
Sales folks succeeding everyday by turning the cards they been dealt into a new world where they can be successful.
Yes things will change going backwards from here but dreams can still be your guiding light . Set your mind on a purpose everyday ...chose to wake up with a good attitude ...look for solutions don’t get stuck up in the problems.
I’ve chased a lot of dreams small and large , i know whats its like to jump from a plane at 10000 ft...fall 5k in 45 secs pull the chute and fall the other 5k in around 7-9 minutes ...ain’t ever gonna do it again but I did it ...dream accomplished. I know what’s its like to see the joy on kids faces when they’ve won a National Championship... something you contributed for others is important as well.
You see what happens to most people is they become successful and they just maintain ... they build a bench that they sit on and take very few risks and opportunities. It important right now to get up everyday and dream, set a goal a small goal , make your bed , take walk , get up and have a purpose to get better at something . Heck I live in a town where the average age is deceased and still everyday I set out to do one thing that will help me get better. I dream of a time with my daughter and her family, i dream of having my entire family brothers, nieces and nephews together I dream of living to 108 and less than 1% of the people cross 90 but I dream.
So as your sitting home think about how you can get better or how you can make someone else better ... thats all for now I have a golf game to get better at... enjoy your weekend . Love and honesty always.