OEMs: Digitize The Spare Parts Return Process With Intelli Parts Return Module
Parts Return Module

OEMs: Digitize The Spare Parts Return Process With Intelli Parts Return Module

In spare part manufacturing industries, broken parts, defected parts and parts return due to various other reasons are the main reasons are the main reasons of revenue drainage. Also, these are the major strain on customer relationship. But such incident also represents major opportunities. Timely and hassle-free part return and replacement can result in customer retention and brand can get more loyal customers than ever. A quick turnaround of refurbished spare parts can significantly lower the cost of doing business and can impact the bottom line positively.

In automotive OEMs, spare parts return process means handling of parts that come back from authorized dealers due to various reasons. The process is handled manually, OEM just send a request and service technicians ship the material from warehouses. Manual processing of spare part return posts delivery from stock is very time taking and not so authentic.

One of the largest challenge OEMs face is in request part back from dealers. There are various reasons (double shipped, damaged part, error in order) due to which dealer return part to the OEM or sometimes OEM request the parts back from dealers for R&D purpose. Having a digital spare parts return and authentication process on board is the convenient way for OEMs and dealers to save time and revenue.

By going through this article you will get better understanding of process flow and how digital parts return process can be implemented.

What Is Part Return Process?

Parts return module from Intellinet is developed to help OEMs and authorized dealers, so that they can submit parts return request online in front of OEMs. This is fully digitized process, where dealers can submit part return request due to multiple reasons available in illustrated parts catalogue. The return request submitted by dealer is then reviewed by the supervisor, manager or other authorized person from OEMs. The process is completely transparent and dealer will get instant notification after submitting and authentication of return.

Intellinet Part Return

Intelli part return module has all the advanced features and functionality that an OEMs needs. The interface is very user-friendly and don't require any special setup or degree to operate it.

In general scenario, whenever customer comes across any issue in spare parts, they want to return the part if it's under warranty. They go to dealership and dealer process the request manually after checking all the details.

But after implementing parts return module, they will be able to perform the task online. Just by clicking the "add" button on the portal, the process will be started. After that there will be two categories in front of them -

  1. Days Defined by OEM into the System
  2. Others

The first case is based on "no. of invoice" and second case is based on "Annual" & "Dealers close out".

After starting the return process dealers need to select reason of parts return from the dropdown list and submit the request. Moreover, dealers need to create two different requests, if they want to return two parts of different invoices.

After this "Remarks" window will appear on screen, but it's not mandatory for a dealer to enter remark. Just click "Next" button from the top right corner to proceed further. To send mail notification to OEM or the authorized person, check the "send mail" option from the left side of "Next" button. In next step, dealer needs to enter pickup address of the part. After entering the address, click "SAVE" button. After pressing save button, a window will appear on screen, asking for submission by pressing "OK" or "review" again by pressing "Cancel".

If pressed "OK", a new message of successful submission along with return request number will appear on the screen. After submission, dealer can check the status of their request into the portal below.

Next step will be part return approval. On receipt of part return approval mail, supervisor or manager will review and approve the return request from EPC admin portal.

Once the part is arrived at OEM warehouse, they will perform R&D on the part to find the root cause of the failure and make change accordingly, to avoid such issues in future.

We hope you have got the clear understanding of spare parts return module from Intellinet. The module has many unique features due makes it stand apart from competitors. In current era of technology, OEMs and other industries has focused on maximizing sources of revenue and eliminate service gap. For such OEMs, parts return process is the best functionality needed. Go for it, now!

In case you are still left with any query or wish to enjoy free demo of the software, feel free to connect with team Intellinet at www.intellinetsystem.com


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