OECD Development Assistance Committee - Summary report on the Conference of the Community of Practice on Private Finance for Sustainable Development!
George Florin Staicu
Speaker, EBRD PFI Relationship Manager, Coordinating Lead Author UNEP Global Environment Outlook; Global Ambassador of Sustainability; member of International Finance Corporation's GLC Directory of Training Professionals
OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) - Summary report on the Conference of the Community of Practice on Private Finance for Sustainable Development (CoP-PF4SD)
CoP-PF4SD Conference:?Time to step up private finance for the SDGs
31 January – 1 February 2023
The deadline to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is rapidly approaching. Yet the financing gap stands at a staggering USD 3.9 trillion – and figures on mobilisation of private finance lag far behind, reaching USD 51.3 billion in 2020.
This year’s virtual OECD DAC Community of Practice on Private Finance for Sustainable Development (CoP-PF4SD) event focused on the need for urgent action – bringing together experts from across the development finance ecosystem to discuss how to achieve both scale and impact when mobilising private finance for the SDGs.
The event centred around discussions on critical policy topics: blended finance more broadly, and with respect to understanding how donors can unlock private finance with the support of Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-linked (GSSS) bonds as well as for climate action more generally, while ensuring good practice impact approaches.
Between the two days, over 950 participants joined from more than 80 countries– from organisations including UNDP, GIZ, Sida, the EIB, IFC, FCDO and many others. This broad participation underscored the interest in approaches to mobilise private finance for sustainable development – while stressing the need to close the gap between ambitions and realities in the mobilisation challenge.
Opening and Keynote
The conference opened?with high-level speeches by the Luxembourg Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs Ministry, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the European Commission, and the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate – all underlining the high importance of private finance mobilisation for policymakers.[1]
The speakers expressed concern about the apparent gap between stated collective ambitions and realities in?private finance mobilisation, as for example shown again by the?latest OECD data?on mobilisation.?Speakers noted?how in a time of poly-crisis, meeting the SDGs will only be possible through a fully integrated approach between domestic, international, private and public finance. To this end,?they highlighted the active role that governments must play in using public resources more strategically through blended finance and in addressing foundational issues to strengthen the enabling environment for private sector investments more broadly.?They also shared successful initiatives and stressed the importance of a common understanding of sustainable investment practices, and of recognised labels and impact standards.
1?Alexia Latortue’s speech, published on the U.S. Department of the Treasury website, can be found?here.
Time to reflect – Benchmarking ambitions with realities in blended finance
In 2017, the DAC High Level Meeting approved policy-level principles for Blended Finance to back efforts to scale up resources flowing towards Blended Finance instruments. The session brought together panelists who all have been part of the efforts since 2017, to (1) take stock of ambitions laid out in the development of the OECD DAC Blended Finance Principles and associated Guidance, (2) match those with the realities blended finance is facing today, while (3) introducing an action moment on achieving the mobilisation ambitions with blended finance.
The panel discussion took stock of current efforts in scaling-up blended finance and alluded to what still needs to change to achieve significantly larger volumes. Key takeaways included:
Time to align – The role of donors in the GSSS bond market
How can donors better support the GSSS bond market in developing countries? The session tried to give a multifaceted answer to this complex question by convening experts from a breadth of development finance and private sector institutions. It covered topics across pertinent policy areas for GSSS bond market development: investment, insurance, issuance, (market)-infrastructure and impact. Speakers also gave their views on seven draft recommendations for opportunities of closer coordination between development finance actors presented by the OECD.
Panellists highlighted:
Opening and Keynote
The second conference day opened with keynote addresses from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the OECD Development Cooperation Directorate and NORAD. The comments emphasised?the dual challenge facing policymakers: using available resources in a catalytic way while increasing the amount of investable SDG projects. The role of collaboration between countries and stakeholders was also stressed, while also making sure that all efforts are additional and allow the scaling of impact.
Time for impact – Standardising impactful approaches to working with the private sector?
The session opened with the launch of the Guidance on OECD-UNDP Impact Standards for Financing Sustainable Development. The Standards constitute a best practice guide and self-assessment tool for development finance actors seeking to optimise their positive contribution to the SDGs, promote impact integrity and avoid impact washing. The new accompanying Guidance provides detailed support in aligning with each of the four standards:?impact strategy,?impact management approach,?transparency and accountability, and?governance. In particular, the standards support organisations in revising their work in these four areas to help them achieve the SDGs.
Panellists discussed the importance of impact standards and the remaining challenges that public and private actors face in measuring and managing impact. Key points included:
Time to scale – Unpacking the promise of blended finance for climate
The session focused on climate action – and the role that blended finance can have in it. It began with a reminder that blended finance is powerful, but in some contexts, it may not be the best tool due to binding constraints – such as the regulatory framework, infrastructure, or counterproductive subsidies in place.?A presentation of the?latest OECD?data revealed that only 32% of private finance mobilised by official development finance interventions contributes to climate action, of which a large share supports mitigation activities. The funds are also concentrated in only a few sectors (banking and financial services, energy) and largely target middle-income countries.
The panel discussion focused on successful programmes and remaining challenges in scaling blended finance for climate action. Some important takeaways included: