OE Grid Galaxy - May Edition
Office of Electricity | U.S. Department of Energy
DOE’s Office of Electricity works with the public & private sectors to modernize U.S. critical electric infrastructure.
Message from Gene:
What a delight it was to start the month of May with Public Service Recognition Week, a week-long celebration that honors the people who serve our great nation as federal, state, county, local, and tribal government employees. For me, the week provided an opportunity to express my gratitude to the employees here at the Office of Electricity (OE) for their dedication and tireless efforts on behalf of the American people. But the week – and this message – also provides me with an opportunity to reflect upon the debt of gratitude all of us in OE owe YOU, our private sector and industry partners. You are absolutely essential to OE’s ability to fulfill our public service mission. So, on behalf of all of us here in OE, I thank you for joining us on this public service journey.
How critical is our partnership with you? Consider this: Our shared mission with you is not just about keeping the lights on (as if that weren’t important enough); it’s also about illuminating the path forward to a sustainable, resilient, and reliable energy future for all. Working side-by-side in our public-private partnership we will drive groundbreaking research, uncover actionable insights, harness breakthrough technologies; reveal cutting-edge operational improvements, and collectively influence the beneficial evolution of a reliable, resilient, secure, and affordable grid that will power our nation through the 21st century.
This public-private partnership cuts both ways. Looking, for example, at a few recent announcements: Together we will create new knowledge based on transdisciplinary synthesis through our “Science Synthesis Prize: Identifying Key Barriers to Renewable Integration.” Our own R&D efforts will be shaped by your responses to our recently announced Request for Information (RFI) to discover energy storage technology design challenges early in the manufacturing process.
As we move forward together, let us remain committed to excellence, integrity, and innovation. Let’s push boundaries, break new ground, and set new standards for what is possible. Our work today will power the possibilities of tomorrow.
And finally, I invite you to join us this month as we proudly celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month. During Heritage Month, we celebrate the vibrant cultures and honor the contributions of the AANHPI community within DOE and beyond. Whether from a community that has called their island “home” for generations upon generations, or a recent immigrant to our shores, the members of the American AANHPI community reflect who we are as an American people and, as President Biden once remarked, “embod[y] the truth that our diversity is our strength as a nation.” With that thought in mind, I’ll close by thanking you for your continued support and I look forward to our continued collaboration ahead!
In partnership,
Watt’s New at DOE
Energy Department Announces $10.5M for Microgrid Solution Projects in Underserved and Indigenous Communities
Last week, the Office of Electricity announced about $10.5 million in funding to support multi-year research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) of microgrid technologies. Through this funding opportunity, OE’s research partners will develop solutions that help deliver electricity to underserved & Indigenous communities in remote areas.
Energy Department Announces $15M in Potential Funding for Innovative Storage Technology Demonstrations
Through this funding opportunity announcement, three projects will be selected of up to $5 million for each award. These research, development, and demonstration projects are important for developing new technologies to ensure the U.S. energy delivery system is reliable, resilient, secure, and affordable.
Energy Department Selects Projects to Receive $15M for Storage Technologies
OE announced the selectees of $15 million in awards to show that new Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) technologies will work reliably and cost effectively in the field. LDES will transform the electric grid to meet the nation’s growing need for clean, reliable, efficient, cost-effective energy.
U.S. Department of Energy’s Science Synthesis Prize to Address Grid Integration of Renewable Energy
OE launched the new Science Synthesis Prize: Identifying Key Barriers to Renewable Integration. This one-phase competition aims to address opportunities and challenges as renewable technologies are integrated onto the electric grid. The Science Synthesis Prize is part of a new program called the Grid Resource Integration Technologies (GRIT) Prize Series, a joint effort between OE and the Solar Energy Technologies Office that falls under the American-Made Challenges Program.
DOE Seeks Input on Energy Storage Manufacturing Challenges
OE announced a Request for Information (RFI) to discover energy storage technology design challenges early on in the manufacturing process. By seeking input from academia, industry, research labs, government agencies and other stakeholders, OE will better understand the design decisions that impact energy storage technology production.?
Don't forget to respond by June 10!
Energy Department Seeks Input on Energy Storage Training Program
OE announced a Request for Information (RFI) soliciting feedback on a proposed Blue Sky Training Program to train first responders, law enforcement agencies, local communities, utilities, authorities having jurisdictions, and others on how to respond to unanticipated failures of energy storage systems. This proposed program will help ensure community readiness when including energy storage as a source of back up generation to renewable energy resources.
Don't forget to respond by June 3!
Department of Energy Announces $1M for Storage Vouchers
The two OE-funded vouchers are intended to spur innovations in Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) technologies among developers, small businesses, research institutions, and communities. The program aims to increase LDES project deployments nationwide and help achieve the Biden-Harris Administration’s clean energy goals.
In Case You Missed It
Decadal Challenge Winners
We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Decadal Challenge, the fast-pitch competition to identify energy storage issues and propose solutions to long-duration energy storage (LDES) systems!
Congratulations! For more information, visit: Decadal Challenge | Department of Energy
OE Awards Winning Student Team in EnergyTech University Prize
OE is excited to select three collegiate student teams as the OE Technology Bonus Prize Winner in the EnergyTech University Prize (EnergyTech UP)! The three winners include FlowCellutions from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, OptiGen from Duke University, and ClimateWatt from Rice University. This competition challenged collegiate student teams to develop and present a business plan that leverages National Laboratory-developed or other emerging energy technologies.
Did you know?
Did you know May is Electrical Safety Month? If you’ve made the switch and own an electric vehicle (EV), below are some tips to remember to stay safe!