OE Grid Galaxy - July Edition

OE Grid Galaxy - July Edition

Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Electricity

Message from Gene:

This month, as we celebrate our nation’s 248th birthday, I invite you to think about the remarkable contributions our country has made to the science and industry of electricity.

- In 1752, Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is an electrical phenomenon.

- In 1841, Samuel Morse developed telegraphy and invented the Morse code.

- In 1882, Thomas Edison opened the first power plant, thereby creating the first electric grid.

- In 1921, Edith Clarke invented a graphical calculator that allowed engineers to calculate inductance and capacity in power transmission lines quickly and effectively.

- In 1947, William Shockley and his team invented the transistor.

And in 2024, OE continues the American tradition of innovation by promoting the use of data analytics in grid enhancement, supporting the integration of transportation into the grid, and mitigating cybersecurity threats. These are just some of the most recent developments you’ll read about in this issue.

Here at OE, we know that innovation depends on research and development as well as on implementation and improvement. This is why our partnership with you is so vital to us. We believe the private-public relationship is not only mutually beneficial, but the best way to ensure that this country’s increasing and changing energy needs are met.

Our collaboration is vital to our nation’s future success. Every sector of our lives—from the economy to the environment, from the living room to the board room—will be impacted by what we do today. I know that together we can make sure that the nation’s next 250 years will be prosperous, healthy, and full of energy!

In partnership,

Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Electricity

Watt’s New at DOE

Upcoming Events

Date: July 29 - August 1, 2024

Location: Dallas, TX

Date: August 7 - 9, 2024

Location: Bellevue, WA

Watch the ESGC Summit Teaser here!

GSL Dedication

Date: August 12 - 13, 2024

Location: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

In Case You Missed It

Did you know?

A full view of a Caribbean reef shark in the crystalline waters of Tiger Beach, Bahamas, swimming over a sandy ocean floor in clear blue water. Photo credit: Dennis Hipp

The Office of Electricity's mission is a lot like Shark Week! Just as sharks use their incredible ability to detect electrical signals to navigate and hunt, OE works tirelessly to ensure our power grid detects and responds to changes and challenges.

While sharks keep the ocean ecosystem balanced, our team ensures a resilient, reliable, and secure flow of electricity across the nation. We're both masters of our domains, using our unique skills to adapt and thrive in dynamic environments!


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