OE Grid Galaxy - August Edition

OE Grid Galaxy - August Edition

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Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary, Office of Electricity

Message from Gene:

We are all saddened by the terrible and still-unfolding tragedy in Lahaina. I know our Office of Electricity team shares many professional and personal connections to the Hawaiian people.

As for myself, my wife and I rested in the shade of Lahaina’s famous banyan tree while on family vacation last year. And just last month, I had the opportunity to visit Hawaii as a representative of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. With each visit, I experienced the rich culture and the wonderful people of this beautiful island state. I’m sure many of you have similar experiences, and our hearts collectively go out to the families who have lost loved ones and have been displaced by the fire.

The U.S. Department of Energy has deployed emergency responders to Maui in support of FEMA. The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency has created a website that is regularly updated with new information on the response efforts. For additional information on recovery efforts in Hawaii and information on natural disasters, visit FEMA’s ready.gov website.

One final thought — I read in the news that the 150-year-old banyan tree in Courthouse Square was badly charred but remains standing. Perhaps that will serve as a hopeful symbol of the resilience of the Hawaiian people.

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Headline Stories:

Success! 2023 Energy Storage Grand Challenge Summit

Thanks to everyone who joined us at the Energy Storage Grand Challenge (ESGC) Summit on July 25 through 27 in Atlanta. Three days of valuable discussions will help guide us as we accelerate energy storage innovation and deployment for the next decade and beyond. Several engaging sessions and panel discussions covered energy storage investment, commercialization, technology validation, markets, manufacturing, and energy equity. We welcome you to join us next year! Learn more about this year’s event.

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OE Releases Long-Duration Storage Shot Technology Strategy Assessments

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Last month, OE launched a series of technical reports summarizing and analyzing results from the Storage Innovations (SI) 2030 stakeholder engagement process, including SI Flight Paths and SI Framework, as detailed in the Methodology report. These reports provide opportunities to explore promising research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) pathways to substantially lower the costs of long-duration energy storage.

The reports also add to DOE’s effort to gather community input and understand the specific innovations required to unlock the potential for long duration applications of these technologies. SI 2030 includes four thrusts: SI 2030 Flight Paths , SI 2030 Framework , SI 2030 Prize , and SI Liftoff. Explore the ten promising RD&D pathways to substantially lower the costs of long-duration energy storage.

New Members of the Electricity Advisory Committee Announced

OE recently announced the new members of the Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC). The EAC is an important component of the Office’s strategy to improve the electric grid research, development, and demonstration portfolio and program activities. EAC members advise OE on current and future electric grid reliability, resilience, security, sector interdependence, and policy issues.

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OE Initiatives

FOA to Advance Microgrids for Underserved and Indigenous Communities

DOE announced a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) to bring microgrid solutions to underserved and Indigenous communities. The funding will advance multi-year RD&D of microgrid-related technologies to ensure that low-cost, reliable and resilient clean energy can support and improve the lives of residents in islanded areas. The anticipated project timeframe is 24 months. Applicants must register with SAM.gov before applying.

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DOE to 'Supercharge' Energy Storage through $30 Million in Awards and Opportunities

DOE announced $30 million in awards and funding opportunities at the 2023 ESGC Summit in Atlanta. The opportunities include two $15 million FOAs for energy storage innovations. In addition, we announced that the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory were selected as lab coordinators for the ESGC initiative for the next two years. Learn about these opportunities related to long-duration energy storage technology reliability and tackling pre-competitive energy storage R&D barriers .

DOE Awards $19 Million for Energy Storage in Remote Communities and Military Housing

DOE announced $19 million in awards for emerging long-duration energy storage demonstration projects in remote communities and military housing. Two companies—NOMAD Transportable Power Systems and Corvias Military Living—will receive funding to show how storage can lower electricity bills and increase reliability for remote communities in Vermont and military housing in Kansas, respectively.

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In Case You Missed It

New White Paper on Grid Edge

Have you explored our research resources library ? Learn how critical communication between the grid edge and the bulk power system is for a reliable, resilient, and secure energy future. Our newest resource aims to inspire discussions on this topic among transmission and distribution utilities, grid edge asset vendors, communications companies, the federal government, and local jurisdictions. The goal is to help them collaborate on the need for secure, enhanced communications between the transmission and distribution operators’ facilities and customer-owned, data-driven systems.

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Ongoing Webinar Series About U.S. and India Energy Storage Partnership

To achieve our clean energy goals, the U.S. must work with partners across the globe. Recently, President Biden met with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and reaffirmed our joint commitment to the clean energy transition through the Energy Storage Task Force of DOE’s Strategic Clean Energy Partnership. To rapidly develop and deploy energy storage technologies, DOE and the India Energy Storage Alliance are hosting a monthly series of webinars to discuss the energy storage landscape and progress in the U.S. and India.

OE’s Director of Energy Storage Research, Dr. Imre Gyuk, plays a key part in our office’s work towards the advancement of these technologies. Dr. Gyuk will lead a series of webinars on energy storage, organized under the US-India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership. The webinars will explore large-scale integration of renewables to support decarbonization and electrification of end-use. Register to join the third Thursday of each month to learn more about our collaborative efforts.

Register here.

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Did You Know?

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Fun Fact:

Everyone enjoys ice cream in the summer, but did you know that in the Northwestern U.S., ice cream was made with snow? Before you check the ingredients list, we should clarify. In the Northwest, some ice cream was churned and kept frozen using hydropower, which comes from snowmelt.

Learn more in this post from our friends at the Bonneville Power Administration.

Jo?o Batista R.

Eco-Empreendedor Colaborativo

1 年

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