"Ode"? to My God Daughter”
Sylvia Paul Onwukwe - Alexander
Vol II

"Ode" to My God Daughter” Sylvia Paul Onwukwe - Alexander Vol II

My wonderful daughter, here we meet again, we have walked through your “Life’s Garden” in Volume I. Now, as we project your success in life…. Let’s stroll over to your “Greenhouse”, where we will deal with the “Cause & Effect” of things in your life. This walk will prepare you for the continuation of your futures journey…. ready?

-Spreading the “Good Soil” to plant the “Seeds of Success” -

Note: When we plant seeds in this darkened moist soil, isn’t it amazing how they can grow to be beautiful roses such as you my dear? Now you shall understand what your very spirit can be during your journey to heaven.

Ok, let’s start…. Jesus gave us 3 (three) things to show us the major road blocks that can and will keep us from enjoying a fruitful life. They are;

1.    A tough path in which to travel: This is when you have an unworthy attitude in a way that it overlooks certain dangers and opportunities.

2.    Hidden rocks as stumbling blocks: These are limiting thoughts that block the way to our growth and success.

3.    A thorn in your side: This is where you have other small interest that diverts you away from your primary goals.

In observation, these are the 3 essentials that are necessary for you to combat those road blocks Sylvia…. This is how you achieve success in any undertaking. Those essentials are;

· Faith: According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is about hope fulfillment. Faith is the spiritual link to the life you want to live and the difference you hope to make in this world. Sylvia, find a quiet place and take some time to think about your dreams for the future. Ask yourself; How can faith help me overcome obstacles that stand between me and what I want? If you want the right things for the right reasons, God will come to your aid (James 4:1-3). Key point…. (Right reasons according to the Lord God and not you). Also, faith is what is needed to move from the losing side to the winning side in your life Sylvia. Sweetie, this kind of faith can transform a timid mindset into an unshakeable confidence!

· Follow-Through: This is hard for at least 85 – 90% of people in life…. “If I would have just done this, I would be there instead of here. Sylvia, when you feel like giving up, remember these words from

Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before.

Baby girl…. Before you bail (quit) on your goal(s) and dream(s), ask yourself, “What might be waiting for me if I hang in there just a bit longer?” Be that 10 – 15% of successful people. Now, when you follow-through…. Understand that abundant life is not a carefree life; It is instead a life of learning how to handle daily pressures in beneficial ways.

· Focus: This third element is attentiveness, attention is something you invest in… it’s the ultimate currency ($) of your life Sylvia. The key to living life at its best is to balance your focus in three areas: Relationships’, goals and values.

**Relationships’: Courtesy is a debt owed to all, but attention is a gift bestowed on few. Sylvia, all that we do in life starts at the top and trickles down…. Your true relationship with the Lord God – As man’s creator, redeemer and sustainer, only the Lord God is worthy of being at the top of your “attention/relationship ladder”, because he alone is perfect in knowledge, power, holiness and love. I said all of that to say; if one is not giving full honor in ones relationship with the Lord God…. Then why would one expect to have good relationships’ with earthly beings. Sylvia, this should cover relationships in all areas and with all bodies for you, family, friends, mates…. Etc.

Ok, I know you are saying…. Pops, how do I keep my sanity through all of this? Luke wrote in; Acts 10:38 38how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.

To understand this is to know that the hardest part of doing things that’s right for you in your life (no one else’s life, this is about Sylvia). When you are confronted with anything… stop and consider what needs to be done in this situation. Baby girl, opportunities will always abound… but the ability to recognize them is rare. You must recognize opportunities and seize them, don’t allow your mind to be so preoccupied that opportunities go unnoticed. This means; Listen to the spirit that is Holy inside of you…. The Holy Spirit is your one true guide.

Let’s take a look at “Goals & Values”;

**Goals: The challenge will always lie in managing goals that compete for attention. Here’s a tip that I find most successful in managing….. By writing, ranking, posting and scheduling priorities, you place them in a framework that supports focus. Make yourself more accountable, set yourself up for success!

**Values: Out of all that we have addressed so far, relationships’, goals are only as strong as your values…. Think about it baby girl, how much do really value you (Sylvia). The Lord God first & then Sylvia (this is not being selfish & don’t let anyone tell you different). Look, Values are the protection & storm wall of your soul! By protecting your values, you protect the people and dreams that you treasure most. One other key to maintaining strong values is social reinforcement.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 9Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 11Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

Also, choosing a mate who shares your most cherished beliefs increases the likelihood of passing them down to the next generation.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 14Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." 17Therefore, "Come out from them and be separate, says the LORD. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 18And, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty."

I’m going to touch on some things as a guide for you going forward in your life.

· Finding your proving ground: Follow the “less is more” philosophy, here’s three virtues that are deemed to be essential for successful living. But understand that every biblical ethic is important, but focusing on them all simultaneously is impossible. As you figure everything in its right perspective…. Keep these three items at the forefront of your mind to reinforce your highest commitments:

**Charity: Love leads the list of values that safeguard people’s souls.

**Conviction: Second only to love is devotion to the Lord God’s Word, which reveals how love expresses itself in practical ways.

**Courage: Bravery is the final virtue on my short-list because knowing what to do is worthless without the boldness to remain firm in the face of pressure.

Blended together, these qualities form a threefold cord that can withstand the worst this world have to offer.

Let’s move on to;

· Simple Growth: Now, despite all that God has done to make transformation possible, the final responsibility for creating a fruitful life rests with you. Growth of this kind is intentional rather than accidental. All pain is not good, but suffering born on self-discipline in pursuit of a worthy goal is a sign of growth that yields joy in the end. Because adversity draws out human potential, it is an essential part of the growth process. Know that, those who understand the purpose of trials are best equipped to handle them. That is why you Sylvia will always shine under pressure….. it’s because of your belief and faith in the Lord God. Troublesome times are growth opportunities because they require added faith to overcome.

Acts 14:22 22strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God," they said.

·The Laws of Life | Paying Attention: He/She, who has ears to hear, let him/her hear!

Matthew 13:9 9Whoever has ears, let them hear."

The word “hear”, means to attend, perceive or heed. So know that the secret of a life well lived is to pay attention. Sylvia, successful people notice more than others, one by one they discern the “laws of life” and add them to their success tool kit, they pay attention! The purpose of “paying attention” is to make better choices – to note what works and does not work, to adjust and advance in the fine art of living.  My daughter, you are very special in this life…. You are chosen, the time has come to wake up and grow up, not just you sweetie, but your gifted and talented friends also. The time has come for you and other young gifted people like you to come together and start sowing the life of your dreams.

· What’s in your Tool Box: The word of the Lord our only God is our authoritative unabridged manual for harvesting the best possible life….. After all, what else do we have? It will encourage and help you to remove the thorns that deplete your desire for a better life. The more you use “The Word”, the more deeply the word will take root in your heart. It will become;

**Your default lens for viewing the world around you.

**The natural way to size up danger and opportunities.

**Will help your mental frame of mind for making choices and pursuing goals.

Sylvia Paul Onwukwe – Alexander, just as there are physical laws that allow scientist to predict sunsets and sunrises, the Lord our only Gods Word contains Spiritual Laws that let wise people see how their choices affect their future.

My final prayer(s)/thought(s) are that you share this with your friends my daughter in hopes that it will help others in their journey through life. Then the Lord our only God will look from heaven and smile as he sees another heart bearing fruit to His glory!

Revelation 14:14-16 14I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, "Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." 16So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.

Lastly, when you get to the word or action of - F.E.A.R. -

A word from Grandpa Duke;

F.E.A.R. = Forget Everything And Run!

F.E.A.R. = Face Everything And Rise Up!

F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real

That’s your second Ode… who knows, I may have a (3rd) third one in me.

Much Love, your Pops,

C. Crome Alexander, Jr.

-My Voice is my Signature-

" God has given me the ability to think abstractly, compartmentalize things and bring them back together in a logical order”.


Ode to Sylvia Paul Onwukwe #2 ? 2020 Clarence Crome Alexander jr.

Nikolay Vasilkov

3D Interior/Exterior Visualizer – cgistudio.com.ua

5 个月

C., thanks for sharing!

C. C. B.

Host at W.E.F.A.M. Streaming Musiq Network - #IAMaCHOCTAWFreedmen - Offer Truth

3 年

#BlackLinkedIn!! - Read "Odes" (Vol I & Vol II) under "My Ptofile" in articles.

Darlene Kirkpatrick

Sr. HR., at US Army(Ret)

3 年

I have son's??no daughters??

C. C. B.

Host at W.E.F.A.M. Streaming Musiq Network - #IAMaCHOCTAWFreedmen - Offer Truth

3 年

Darlene Kirkpatrick - Thanks for reading and feel free to share both "Odes" (Vol I & Vol II) with your daughters if you hold similar values,


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