An Ode to Memorial Day...
Mike Kimelman
Empowering Leaders: Bestselling Author, Investor, and Executive Coach Specializing in Disruptive Innovation and Human Optimization
Even the most stubborn ostriches must now see that our current system, dominated by what I call the Extraction Class in government, is a comprehensive sham.
Cadaver Joe and the Perma-State perpetually embarrass themselves with their non-stop display of incompetence, corruption, and enrichment.
Gone are the days when we had even a semblance of a Fourth Estate, guardians who at least pretended to speak truth to power and hold it to some form of accountability.
In today’s Clown World, the media have been reduced to mere sycophantic parrots, tasked with shielding the Regime while muffling the queries and bafflements of the 85%.
Across all critical issues — from immigration and the economy to the totalitarian triad of Big Defense, Big Pharma, and Big Tech — the American populace resoundingly rejects the Administration and its Corporate Patrons.
Yet, despite the widespread disapproval, the status quo persists unaltered, with zero demands for accountability.
Consider the experimental Covid vaccine, which harmed millions and served nothing except Pfizer’s bottom line — not a single soul held accountable. Or take the revelation that Fauci, Morens, Daszak, and other key figures in the pandemic's inception were covertly and illegally collaborating with China on gain-of-function research that unleashed COVID-19, then scrambled to erase their tracks — eliciting nothing more than yawns from the mainstream media, when it bothers to report at all.
Reflect on the tens of billions in military hardware abandoned in Afghanistan after a twenty-year saga, culminating in one of history’s most disgraceful military withdrawals — yet not one general or Biden administration official has faced interrogation or demotion.
Millions have surged through a Southern Border flung open by the flick of Biden’s pen. The blame is ludicrously cast on Republicans for not equipping the President with the 'tools' to seal it back up. The Cadaver in Chief himself swung the gates wide on his first day, with nary a question from our so-called watchdogs on his sudden impotence to close them.
In a landscape where genuine data is forbidden and media oversight or accountability of those in power is non-existent, we are poised to witness the gradual disintegration of the Republic and the continuous erosion of the values and standards we once held dear.
More than a decade ago an anonymous 4Chan account brilliantly captured the Steady Degradation I’ve been writing about since 2015.
There is no need for a “Red Dawn” style showdown when the elites can effortlessly simmer the proverbial frog, submerging their citizens in a dystopian panopticon of surveillance, crippling inflation, and the systematic dismantling of every pillar that upholds a functioning society.
Thus, we stand at a crossroads: either transition from 'woke' to truly awakened and resist this tide of quiet desperation and deliberate ruin, or the old tune plays on, condemning our children to inherit but a ghastly husk of the liberties and prosperity we were bequeathed.
Our situation is dire. We are embroiled in a two-front Invisible War against our so-called 'leaders' at home and global opps led by China, with its proxies in Iran, Russia, and beyond.
Despite pouring a trillion dollars annually into defense, we no longer possess the manufacturing prowess or technological edge to effectively contend with direct aggression from smaller proxies, let alone superpowers like China. The nature of military, economic, informational, and social conflict has evolved drastically over the past decade. A $1,500 drone can now neutralize a $2 million tank or a $100 million battleship. Envision the scale of a true conflict where China can outproduce us by a factor of a thousand in drones and two hundred in ships.
Our manufacturing capabilities and military infrastructure have been gutted, and our global standing eroded by two decades of unnecessary warfare, culminating in a wholly avoidable debacle in Ukraine—a scenario that could have been circumvented with a touch more diplomacy and a bit less arrogance (or a legitimate election in 2020).
It’s important to remember that it doesn’t have to be like this. That a mere 3 years ago everything was different, and better.
This Memorial Day, it is particularly crucial to honor the profound sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of veterans who defended freedom, democracy, and the American Way of Life. Each time we elect officials who disregard these values—and when we fail to demand accountability from those who undermine our way of life—we deeply dishonor the memory and sacrifices of those who fought for our freedoms.
Both my grandfather's were Veterans, and my father as well. ?I honor their sacrifice and the sacrifices of every other Veteran by trying to live my life in a manner that fills their massive shoes to the best of my ability. ?
I'm grateful to have known all three for most of my life and for the roles they played and huge impact they had on me. ?
I'm grateful for what I currently have, and it's on display below. ?I'm grateful for the struggles I've had to endure, for they've shown me a strength I didn't know I had, and gave me perspective on what really counts. ?
A smarter man than me once said, "Tomorrow is promised to no one." ?That's why we honor and celebrate today - because we're fortunate enough to be able to do so, and that by living our lives to the fullest in a decent and positive way, we start to repay the giant debt of gratitude we owe those current and former members.
Thank you Dad, and I miss you Gpop K & A. ?
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For more and everything you need to know about the Invisible War that has come to our shores, Trump's rally in the Bronx and the latest cover up by Fauci & Co., plus the best tweets and memes of the week, see below. ??