An Ode to America's Men
Amy J. Hawkins
Media Relations, Communications Consultant, Political Strategist, Grassroots Advocate, Law Enforcement friend #Republican #Millennial
(Read on my website
Hear this word oh man of earth: listen closely to it and be still.
A nation’s soul may depend on what you possess – your action and your will.
Tune out all the other chatter. If, but for a moment, hush the busyness within.
I need your solemn consideration… your attention to this pen.
I speak not to you as victim. Instead, I speak a challenge strong.
It’s time that those of us who notice, turn this into right, from very wrong.
As a woman I look around, pondering deep within.
It feels as if our world is void of those of old – manly men.
Where are you, we all wonder? Don’t you realize the hole you leave?
Please tell me that you’ve noticed? Can’t you hear the nation grieve?
Our country, culture, and families are feeling your absence very strong.
In the greatest battle of life, you’re our secret weapon gone.
Are you sleeping, or only silent? Or are you just not yet seen?!
Perhaps you don’t yet know who you are, or who you’re meant to be?
So with the absence of an understanding of what you are to do,
You’ve left the rest of us to try – but fail – to fill your shoes.
But we’re weary now of trying to go this road alone.
With strength and passion I tell you – that must end. Please come home.
You have been mis-treated. For that, I acknowledge and I weep.
You’ve been brushed beneath the rug, society quick to sweep.
Forgive us for we do not yet know, and all are yet to understand.
While we bolster such bold words, us girls alone are at our end.
Our arms are getting weary. Our voices losing sound.
How much longer must we hold on? It’s you who help us stand our ground.
The world has called you “nothing”, seeking to destroy your incomparable value and your worth.
Who are you, they wonder, to stake a claim on any corner of this earth?
Women, and too government, have tried to fill your spot at great detriment to us all.
They’ve attempted to persuade “they” don’t need “a man”. And now we’re in free fall.
Society, and yes us women, have tried to define you and restrain.
By grabbing hold of lies, we have worked to strip you of your role – yet have not gained.
Let’s talk but for a moment of your absence and withdrawal.
As female writer I will admit we’ve been wrong but we’re not to bear it all.
Some of you ignored your strength, have accepted the world’s horrific lies.
Truth be told, you’ve grown deaf to truth and righteous passion – instead – you’ve let them die.
You’ve succumbed to the culture’s lies that worlds can survive without real men.
It often seems you’ve walked away and really – truly – given in.
I’m not sure how you stand it, to squelch the passion deep within.
Of all the “Things” God could create His prize was first in man.
How do you mute the deepest groanings within your belly strong?
To step into your call, and purpose that’s been begging for you all along.
Don’t you want to shake the shadows, route the demons – yes, you can!
Awaken boys, leave the toys, this world is craving warrior men.
Future leaders are without fathers. Warriors of tomorrow need help to learn to read.
Little girls need Daddies to teach them about right boundaries.
Women crave to be complete but after God are one with only you.
Culture needs redemption, and in many ways you are the cue.
In all your years of wandering, did your ear never meet the ground?
Listening for the battle cry – the constant beat of drummers’ rounds?
Once more, I ask where is the man of great boldness, eager for great feats?
Don’t you want to engage in culture’s war to defend your land and family?
Real men are ones who weigh lies from truth, accept the truth and then still lead.
Real men are those who first come to know themselves and God, from on bended knee.
Throw off the robes of deep deceit, cultural, and political demands.
God has called this hour – yours. Pull your heart and head out of the sinking sand.
Warrior please awake! It’s not too late to retake your place.
The world is at a precipice – please won’t you hurry with great haste.
So come now along beside us. The drummer’s rounds pick up their beat.
Your presence NOW is needed great. Yes, in your true identity.
Brother it’s time for you to thunder. Come forth with warrior’s cry.
Square your shoulders, shod your feet, feed truth to soul and fly!
There I’ve said my piece. I have a battle to re-engage. We must win!
Man, please know God has breathed into your soul, a warrior spirit deep within.
The answer rests now – in part – on you and you alone.
Yet, with hope, and faith, I speak life into your bones!
It is you who are still needed to fulfill the Master Plan.
You only, yes you only, can fill the role of man.
– ajh
Read it here on my website:
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Financial Advisor Managing Director at Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
5 年Wonderfully written. Thanks for the inspiration and confidence in how I am raising my boys. I hope you don’t mind, but I had to share this on FB as well.
Community, Environmental and Fiscal Health
5 年I am glad to be associated with you Amy!