October Summary News 2024
Ocean Cert Services Of Telecommunications Part of Ocean Group
1- The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has opened a public consultation on September 24, 2024, on the?Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination 2019?(ECS Determination). The updates relate to mobile phones that cannot access the Triple Zero (000) emergency call service.
1- Canada/ISED opens Consultation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Compute.
Consultation purpose
This consultation aims to help inform the design and implementation of the AI Compute Access Fund and the Canadian AI Sovereign Compute Strategy.
Beginning June 26, 2024, ISED will hold discussions with, and seek input from a wide range of AI stakeholders, our AI ecosystem partners such as CIFAR, Vector, Amii, Mila-Quebec, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, as well as businesses, AI developers, researchers, Indigenous groups and other stakeholders.
1- Colombia's Agencia Nacional del Espectro (ANE) has launched a public consultation regarding frequency bands in the country that have been designated for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). The consultation is available here and will remain open for public comments until October 17, 2024.
1- USA/FCC Expands Opportunities for Wireless Microphone Users
In the Matter of:
?Amendment of Parts 15 and 74 of the Rules for Wireless Microphones in the TV Bands, 600 MHz Guard Band, 600 MHz Duplex Gap, and the 941.5-944 MHz, 944-952 MHz, 952.850-956.250 MHz, 956.45-959.85 MHz, 1435-1525 MHz, 6875-6900 MHz and 7100-7125 MHz Bands.
What devices require FCC guidance prior to TCB issuing a grant of equipment authorization, and what are the procedures to obtain this guidance?
Answer: The attached documents provide guidance on the Pre-Approval Guidance (PAG) procedures (Section 2.964), formerly known as the Permit But Ask (PBA) procedure.?
- 388624 D01 Pre-Approval Guidance Procedure v13?provides the Pre-Approval Guidance procedures.
- 388624 D02 Pre-Approval Guidance List v18r07?provides a list of the RF devices that are subject to the Pre-Approval Guidance procedure and attachment.
- 388624 D03 Scheduled Feedback Date for MPAGs v01. This document describes how TCBs can request an FCC-scheduled feedback date for the review of certain Multiple PAG (MPAG)1 applications.
1- Panama: ASEP Launches Public Consultation No. 011-24?, with the purpose of receiving opinions and comments on the proposed modifications to the National Frequency Allocation Plan (PNAF).
1- Brazil ANATEL Opens Public Consultation to update the requirements for assessing the technical compliance of access terminal stations - ETA to include requirements for the new 5G NB-NTN, RedCap (FR1), and LTE Cat 1bis technologies, in addition to regulatory updates regarding cellular mobile phones.
1- Mexico/ The IFT approves modifications to the Homologation Guidelines and those for the use of the IFT Seal in telecommunications and broadcasting devices. (Communiqué 98/2024) October 2.
1- On 16 September Argentina / ENACOM publishes Resolution number 748/2024.
has added new channel arrangements to the channelizations of the following frequency bands:
· 7110 - 7900 MHz.
· 8275 - 8500 MHz.
· 14,5 - 15,35 GHz.
· 21,2 - 23,6 GHz.
· 71 - 76 GHz.
· 81 - 86 GHz.
1- The Regulatory Authority (RA) of Bermuda has opened a public consultation, This consultation document outlines proposed updates to enhance consumer protection in Bermuda’s regulated sectors, including amendments to the 2020 Principles of Consumer Protection GD (linked below). The RA invites feedback on these changes to improve the rules governing service providers' commercial and marketing practices.
1- (ECC) The Electronics Communications Committee has opened the following public consultations on 27 of September 2024:
a- Draft ECC Report 363
Aggregated interference from satellite systems into radio astronomy service
b- Draft ECC Report 364
Sharing and compatibility studies related to Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN) in the frequency band 6425-7125 MHz
c- Draft revision of ECC Recommendation (01)04
Radio frequency channel arrangements for point-to-point (P-P) fixed wireless systems in the frequency band 40.5-43.5 GHz.
1- On October 1, 2024, (TATT) The Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad & Tobago has opened a public consultation on the Spectrum Plan for the Accommodation of Non-Terrestrial Networks.
1- On 15 of September "BTRC" Bangladesh Approves Use of 5925-6425 MHz Band for Wi-Fi.
1- USA/FCC adopts initial rules for ‘drone’ operations in the 5 GHz spectrum band.
1- Following up on the news we published previously about the public consultation to Modify the National Frequency Allocation Plan (PNAF) which is published by (ASEP) of Panama.
The proposed include:
- Designate the 2.5 GHz Band (2500 to 2690 MHz) for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT): with the exclusive allocation for cellular mobile telephony (Services No.106 and No.107);
- Designate the 3.5 GHz Band (3300 to 3600 MHz) for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT): with the exclusive allocation for cellular mobile telephony (Services No.106 and No.107);
- Designate the 3600 to 3800 MHz Band for the creation of Fixed Wireless Access Systems or "FWA": with exclusive attribution for telecommunications service No. 200 (Telecommunications Transport), and the updating of the provisions of Article 22;
- Designate the 2.3 GHz Band (2300 to 2400 MHz) for the creation of Private Broadband Wireless Access Networks, with exclusive attribution for telecommunications service No. 200 (Telecommunications Transport);
- Designate the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 24 GHz, and 57 GHz bands as "Free Use" or "Unlicensed" bands.
- Designate the 6 GHz band (5925 to 7125 MHz) as a "Free Use" or "Unlicensed" Band, exclusively Indoors.
1- Malaysia MCMC Opens a public consultation on the proposed way forward on 100% adoption of and complete migration to internet protocol version 6 (ipv6) in Malaysia.
1- FCC/USA The Federal Communications Commission Proposes To Expand 6 GHz Band Operations for VLP Devices.
2- FCC/USA The Federal Communications Commission?Extends Deadline for NPRM on 3550-3700 MHz Band.
The deadline has been extended to 6-Nov-2024.
1- On October 11, 2024 Canada/ISED Issue 3: RSS-248 — Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices Operating in the 5925-7125 MHz Band
This Radio Standards Specification (RSS) sets out the certification requirements for licence-exempt radio local area network (RLAN) devices operating in the 5925-7125 MHz frequency band (the 6 GHz band).
The RLAN devices with occupied bandwidths that fall into other frequency bands (e.g. the 2.4 GHz band) shall comply with the requirements for each respective band specified in the applicable RSS standard(s).
1- UAE/MOIAT UPDATE NEWS?has been changed. The new ECAS logo We have received information from MOIAT that the conformity mark has been changed. The new ECAS logo is a compliant mark (format attached). Dimensions of the artworks will no longer be published or needed to avoid additional issues concerning the minimum size applicable in varying products. The basic requirements will be as follows: 1. Color configurations must be maintained. 2. Proportions of the artwork must be followed accordingly. Please be advised that 15 March 2025 will be the grace period for new shipments, and 15 September 2025 will be the grace period for existing stocks. There is no change in EQM logo. AI files of EESL can be found in:
1- The IFT " The Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL) of Mexico" approves the issuance of the Annual Program for the Use and Utilization of Frequency Bands 2025. (PABF 2025) (Communiqué 93/2024) September 25
1- (ECC) The Electronics Communications Committee opened the following public consultations on 21 of October 2024:
a- Draft revision of ERC Decision (99)06
The harmonised introduction of satellite personal communication systems operating in the bands below 1 GHz (S-PCS<1GHz).
b- Draft revision of ECC Decision (08)01
The harmonised use of Safety-Related Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the 5875-5935 MHz frequency band?.
c- Draft revision of ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 1
Non-specific short range devices.
d- Draft revision of ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 2
Tracking, tracing and data acquisition.
e- Draft revision of ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 10 Radio microphone applications including Assistive Listening Devices (ALD), personal cordless audio devices.
f- Draft revision of ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 11
Radio frequency identification applications.
g- ERC Recommendation 70-03, new annex B
Informative annex covering references to legacy bands that have been removed from or altered in the main annexes of ERC Recommendation 70-03.
h- Draft ECC Recommendation (25)01
Emission limit requirements for Wireless Power Transmission* (WPT).
i- Draft revision ECC Recommendation (04)01
With regard to the prohibition of jammers in the CEPT countries.
1- FCC/USA October 17, 2024—The Federal Communications Commission today adopted new rules establishing that 100% of all mobile handsets—such as smartphones—must be compatible with hearing aids. With this change, the 48 million Americans with hearing loss will be able to choose among the same mobile phone models that are available to all consumers. Under the new rules, after a transition period, Americans with hearing loss will no longer be limited in their choice of technologies, features, and prices available in the mobile handset marketplace.
1- FCC/USA, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Announces 15-Business Day Filing Window for Cybersecurity Labeling Administrator and Lead Administrator Applications.
1- Canada/ISED published?RSS-248, Issue 3?on October 11, 2024. Changes to Issue 3 include adding Very Low-Power Devices as an equipment class. RSS-248, Issue 3 replaces RSS-248 Issue 2.
"RSS-248 — Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices Operating in the 5925-7125 MHz Band"
1- OFCA, the Communications Authority in Hong Kong, released updated Performance specifications for radiocommunications apparatus operating in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band and employing frequency hopping or digital modulation.
You can find the original document here:
1- FCC/USA issued an amendment of Parts 15 and 74 of the Rules for Wireless Microphones in the TV Bands, 600 MHz Guard Band, 600 MHz Duplex Gap, and the 941.5- 944 MHz, 944-952 MHz, 952.850-956.250 MHz, 956.45-959.85 MHz, 1435-1525 MHz, 6875-6900 MHz and 7100-7125 MHz Bands.
1- Brazil/Anatel defines that only cell phones and access terminal stations compatible with more modern technologies may be certified
The established rules define that, from April 6, 2025, new 2G or 3G equipment must also be compatible with 4G or higher technologies.
1- Kazakhstan issues amendments to its radio frequency allocation plan:
The changes concern (short-range devices, automotive, data networking, multimedia, infrastructure equipment), consumer electronic goods, & broadcasting equipment. The main bands affected are as follows:
2,170–2,520 MHz, 4,800–5,250 MHz, 5,250–5,570 MHz, 5,570–6,700 MHz
10–10.7 GHz.
1- IFT/Mexico published a new document on October 2, 2024, titled?Agreement by which the plenary session of the federal telecommunications institute?modifies the miscellaneous by which the guidelines for the use of the IFT seal?on approved products, equipment, devices, or appliances intended for telecommunications or?broadcasting are issued.
1- (BEREC) The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications Public consultation on the Draft BEREC Report on the evolution of the private and public 5G networks in Europe.
1- ISED/Canada:
The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is seeking comments on the consultation of SRSP-306.4, Issue 7, “Technical Requirements for Fixed Line-of-Sight Radio Systems Operating in the Band 6425-6930 MHz”. This standard sets out the minimum technical requirements for the efficient use of the band 6425-6930 MHz by point-to-point radio systems in the fixed service.
The following are the main changes:
The antenna radiation pattern requirement prescribed by envelope B was modified in figure 1 and table 3 of section 6.
The radio frequency (RF) channel arrangement was updated to add RF channel bandwidths of 60 MHz and to remove RF channel bandwidths of less than 2.5 MHz. Consequential changes were made through the rest of this document.
Provisions already included in SRSP-300-GEN, which prescribes requirements to be applied in conjunction with this SRSP, were removed.
Other editorial changes and clarifications have been made throughout the document.
Comments are due no later than December 20, 2024.
1- ACMA/Australia opens public consultation on the 2023 determination on Variation to Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference_1800 MHz Band).
Consultation closes: 31 Oct 2024
2- ACMA/Australia opens public consultation on Remaking the Fixed Licence LCD and revised arrangements for the 3.4–4 GHz band
We are consulting on a proposed remake of the?Radiocommunications?Licence Conditions (Fixed Licence) Determination 2015. We are also reviewing arrangements for?highly localised wireless broadband use of 3400–3475 MHz and 3950–4000 MHz bands, and proposing updates to radiocommunications assignment licensing instruction (RALI) MS47.
1- Viettel launches Vietnam’s first 5G network
On October 15, Viettel officially announced the launch of its 5G network, marking the 20th anniversary of its mobile service, Viettel Mobile.
1- The European Commission Has Adopted the Cyber Resilience Act.
of 23 October 2024 on horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements and amending Regulations (EU) No 168/2013 and (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2020/1828 (Cyber Resilience Act).
1- ACMA/Australia opens public consultation on Remaking the Fixed Licence LCD and revised arrangements for the 3.4–4 GHz band
We are consulting on a proposed remake of the?Radiocommunications?Licence Conditions (Fixed Licence) Determination 2015. We are also reviewing arrangements for?highly localised wireless broadband use of 3400–3475 MHz and 3950–4000 MHz bands, and proposing updates to radiocommunications assignment licensing instruction (RALI) MS47.
2- ACMA/Australia opens public consultation to remake the TLN and 8 telecommunications standards.
1- FCC/ The Federal Communications Commission in the USA has amended Part 90 of the Commission’s Rules through the publication of the?Eighth,
In this Eighth Report and Order, we take another major step towards ensuring that the 4940–4990 MHz band (4.9 GHz band) is efficiently and intensely utilized in support of public safety missions nationwide.
1- NTRA/Egypt:
"A license to operate 5G mobile services was granted between the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and each of Orange Egypt, Vodafone Egypt, and e& Egypt, under the same conditions on which Telecom Egypt had signed in January of last year."
The news Link:
1- The Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) of Vietnam has opened a public consultation on "Draft Circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 14, 2021 of the Minister of Information and Communications stipulating the List of radio equipment exempted from radio frequency use licenses, technical conditions and accompanying exploitation"
The important point is to add the 5925-6425 MHz frequency for WLAN/RLAN.
2- Vietnam MIC Opens Public Consultation on:
"Radio frequency channel allocation planning for Fixed service in the 71 - 76 GHz and 81 - 86 GHz bands"
1- Andorra Telecom will proceed with the gradual shutdown of the 3G network from October 2026:
Andorra Telecom will proceed with the gradual shutdown of its 3G network from October 2026. This decision is taken as part of the technological renewal that is being carried out on a global scale, where 3G networks they are gradually being replaced by more advanced technologies such as 4G and 5G.
The Public Consultation to update the definition of weak password contained in the mandatory minimum cybersecurity requirements for assessing the conformity of CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) equipment, approved by Act No. 2436, of March 7, 2023.
to update the Technical Requirements for the Conformity Assessment of Restricted Radiation Radiocommunication Equipment, approved by Act No. 14448, of December 4, 2017, with the aim of including new technologies in its scope and aligning with internationally adopted standards and regulations.
1- ARTCI/Ivory Coast opens a Public consultation on the Radio Frequency Management Strategy in the Telecommunications Sector.
1- Honduras/ The National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) informs the general public and the Telecommunications Sector in particular that, from October 10 to 18, 2024, the Draft Regulatory Resolution, entitled: Update of the National Frequency Allocation Plan, will be available for Public Consultation on the website:?www.conatel.gob.hn
This, in compliance with Regulatory Resolution NR02 / 06 published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta on March 23, 2006, regulates the public consultation process for the Regulations issued by CONATEL.
The consultation was extended?until October 28, 2024.