We have fantastic updates for both enterprise and call centers, as well as small teams and individuals. These enhancements are designed to make your Krisp experience even better. Read on to discover what's new!
The new Krisp Enterprise version is live and brings some significant updates to Krisp.
- Synchronized microphone volume control: You will now by default have a synced microphone volume level across the Krisp Microphone, your selected audio device, and the communication application. Changing the volume from one place will reflect the change in the other two. Additionally, this feature grants wider volume control access to the communication app, allowing seamless microphone volume management.
- CPU-optimized Noise Cancellation for call centers: When a high CPU load is expected for your team machines, enable the Noise Cancellation (NC) mode for the call center environment. It will use a lightweight inbound NC model and enforce a CPU-optimized mode for NC and Background Voice Cancellation. This way, you can ensure optimal efficiency even during high-load situations.
- Inbound Noise Cancellation only when Krisp Microphone is in use: With this change, you can have the peace of mind that the Inbound Noise Cancellation will work only for the call audio, eliminating the risk of degrading non-call streams on the speaker.
- Inbound Noise Cancellation enhanced functionality: Now Inbound Noise Cancellation is activated only when both Krisp Microphone and Krisp Speaker are in use. This change eliminates the risk of degrading non-call speaker streams.
Read more about our latest updates on the What’s New page.
October brought amazing enhancements to Krisp Pro as well
- Improve transcript accuracy with Custom Vocabulary: The domain-specific terms and acronyms you add to your custom vocabulary will be instantly applied on calls as you refresh your account data in the Krisp app. Otherwise, the changes will take effect automatically within 6 hours.
- Summarize directly from the transcripts page: Say goodbye to unnecessary clicks and save precious time. Assign speakers, review the Transcript, and summarize it all from one convenient page. Get the summary and the action items for your meetings all in one go.
- See the gist of your meeting at a glance: Scanning your detailed meeting summary is easier with main topics outlined at the top of the page, linking to the corresponding section in the summary for a more intuitive read.
- Interactive Meeting Notes blocks: Customize your meeting summary with our interactive Meeting Notes blocks. Easily drag-and-drop, duplicate, edit, or remove sections entirely with minimal effort. Add your personal touch to the generated summary and make it your own.
Read more about our latest updates on the What’s New page.