October Newsletter

October Newsletter

We published news and articles on many current subjects on the SNI Blog in October. We would like to share a brief summary of this information with you. We will continue to keep you up to date with developments in the e-Transformation world!

You can download the updated version of the Global Tax Technology Report, which has been updated in line with the latest developments, here.

Uruguay: The system in Uruguay is an example of a clearance model like other South American countries. New plan for e-Invoicing has been published. The scope of e-Invoicing has gradually expanded and has been finalized by including all taxpayers in the country. Check out our related news here.

Ecuador: The scope of the e-Invoice implementation, which entered into force in Ecuador in 2014, is gradually expanding. Taxpayers who are included in the tax revenue regime but are not obliged to create an e-Invoice are required to create an e-Invoice after 30 November 2022. For up-to-date information on the process, you can read our news.

Egypt: In Egypt, from January 2023, electronic tax invoices will be requested to be uploaded instantly (real time). As of October 2022, invoices must be uploaded to the tax office within 3 days. You can find the full news and official announcement here.

Slovakia: The e-Invoice implementation calendar has been postponed in Slovakia. The IS EFA testing process will begin in December 2022. The obligation date for B2G transactions is also expected to be postponed. Click here to read the rest of the news.

Philippines: E-Invoice/Receipt implementation timeline has been published in Philippines. Invoice and Receipt implementation consists of several different stages. The most recently published RMO decision includes policies, guidelines and procedures for the “Receipt/Invoice Issuance Notice (NIRI)” implementation. You can read the related news here.

Spain: In Spain, B2B e-Invoicing will become mandatory for major taxpayers in early 2024. Full implementation is expected to be completed between 2024 and 2026. All businesses and individuals registered for VAT are within the scope of the implementation. Please check out our related news here.

Japan: E-Invoice Promotion Association (EIPA) was established in Japan for promoting the use of the e-Invoice. This electronic invoicing model is called "4 corners". In addition, businesses will need to be registered as a qualified invoice issuer. In order to receive this status, businesses must submit?an "Application for Registration of a Qualified Invoicing Business" until March 31, 2023. You can find detailed information about the process in the article.

Romania e-Invoicing New Edition: Romania has made the e-Invoice implementation mandatory only for B2B e-Invoices created for products with high financial risk and for all B2G transactions. It is expected to become mandatory for all taxpayers in 2023. Detailed product list, technical requirements etc. can be found in our short article.

Romania e-Transport New Edition: As of October 2022, RO e-Transport implementation began in Romania. For declaring high financial risk products, 3 criteria must be considered. In addition, for both buying and selling transactions, EU countries are required to report their transactions. Technical details and important points about the process are in our short?article.

France: In France, B2B e-Invoice will be mandatory for all taxpayers to receive e-Invoices as of July 1, 2024. After large companies, mid-sized establishments and small and medium-sized enterprises will be under the obligation. Detailed implementation timeline, the fines for non-compliance taxpayers and other details are in the news.

For more information and inquiries, reach us at [email protected] or visit https://snitechnology.net/.



