October Insights

October Insights

It's been a busy month at Cogo, with new partnerships, exciting events, and more. And with 3 COPs on the horizon, momentum is building for climate action. Let's work together to harness this opportunity and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future. Read on for the latest updates and how you can get involved!

Industry news roundup

Cogo news

  • We’re excited to announce our expanded partnership with Westpac Australia. Through this collaboration, customers can see their home energy footprint and find energy-efficient upgrades and small business customers can calculate emissions. Learn more about our collaboration.
  • The Cogo team attended Money20/20 in Las Vegas, where we encouraged American banks to seize climate action as an opportunity. We connected with brilliant industry experts, partners, and friends to drive this message forward. Find out more.
  • We expanded our partnership with Tandem Bank, providing their customers with tools to monitor and reduce their carbon footprints within the banking app. Discover more about our partnership.
  • We’re also proud to announce new partnerships with BDO and VISTR, empowering their SMEs with the tools they need to measure, manage and report their carbon emissions. Explore how we're helping businesses make an impact.

Expert insights

For more insights and updates, head over to our content hub. And, if you have any colleagues who would benefit from Carbon Insights, please encourage them to sign up here.

Also, if you’re heading to the Singapore Fintech Festival or Hong Kong Fintech Week, get in touch with the team—we'd love to connect!?

Thank you,

The Cogo team



