October Edition
Photo credit: xuan TT

October Edition

Welcome to this monthly series of highlights that feature different initiatives from across Denmark. We are committed to creating a music and culture sector that thrives artistically with less discrimination and increased representation.

By sharing these resources, we aim to collectively create a positive impact and drive lasting change within our industry through education, awareness, and proactive efforts.

Where to find us this month

8th - 11th Oct | Detour Dance Festival x Another Life x Blaagaard Teater

This year, Another Life Festival is partnering with Detour and Blaagaard Teater. We’ve curated a program that explores different areas of the performing arts.

22nd Oct | Another Life at ILD

ILD er Nordhus’ ugentlige tirsdagstalk, hvor aktuelle organisationer og enkeltpersoner bliver inviteret indenfor til at give opl?g omkring det de br?nder mest for. Vi behandler emner, ideer og koncepter inden for kunst og kultur, klima og b?redygtighed, gastronomi og madkultur samt ungeliv og demokrati. Det essentielle er at f? skabt en platform, hvor ildsj?le for mulighed for at dele det de er mest passioneret omkring med andre, og ?nsker at udbrede kendskabet gennem en brandtale og dialog med et nysgerrigt publikum.

25th Oct | ACCT Anti-Racism Conference: Community Responses to Breaking Down Structures! with Crossing Borders

Join us at Union where we will give a keynote presentation on Intersectional Approaches to Social Sustainability.

Free to join: https://billetfix.dk/en/e/anti-racism-conference-community-responses-to-breaking-down-structures/

Another Life Lectures

Are you an artist or involved in music and culture? Are you looking to develop your skills and practice? Join our next season of free lectures!

  • 17th Oct (16:00-19:30) | Basic Economy & Artistic Entrepreneurship - Learn the basics of tax, VAT, grants, and financial management for freelancers and small businesses, guided by Pernille Skov, an expert in sustainable growth for the cultural sector.
  • 24th Oct (16:00-19:30) | Fundraising in Cultural Life - Discover what fund committees seek, where to find the right funding, and how to make your application stand out. Leave with a concrete draft for your next application!
  • 14th Nov (16:00-19:30) | Project Management - Understand key project management skills, blending theory with practical strategies, led by Alexander Rastén Rydberg, Diversity Manager at Dansk Live and experienced festival organiser.

Sign up to join: https://forms.gle/CFtvrZB5Z1erXNcC7

October Highlights

?? Activities & Talks

10th Oct | Food for thought with Crossing Borders

Hear from Mette Müller Kristensen, Executive Director of Global Focus, as she shares powerful insights on global solidarity, civil society engagement, and sustainable development. This inspiring storytelling session will be followed by a flavorful dinner crafted by the chefs of Send Flere Krydderier.

Sign up here: https://billetfix.dk/en/e/food-for-thought-with-mette-muller-kristensen/

Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg | Events focusing on Afro-Danish cultural history at Kunsten, Aalborg, in Collab with Prince Henry

In close collaboration with Prince Henry Kwesi Asare the museum has put together a series of events that activate the exhibition and the themes it touches on - and put the exhibition into perspective in a Danish context. Omar Victor Diop puts a spotlight on defining moments in the history of black people. With this accompanying series of events, we invite conversations and reflection about black people and their voices in both history and art, and with a particularly Danish perspective.

?Learn more: https://kunsten.dk/en/content/events-5379?date=all&tag=653

??Resources, Support, and Funds

28th Oct | For Funds Sake with SOUND

Are you looking for funding to lift your next arts or culture project? The event is both for those of you who are already involved in a cultural or artistic entrepreneurial project - and for those of you who are just curious about fundraising in art and culture.

Held in Danish.

Sign up here: https://soundsound.dk/da/event/for-funds-sake

FRi Puljen fund is open!

FRi Puljen is part of the Fundamental Rights Initiative, which is a collaboration between Global Focus and New Europe and co-financed by the EU. Fri puljen supports projects and activities that protect and promote fundamental rights in Denmark.

Application deadline: 9th Oct

Apply at: https://globaltfokus.dk/da/puljer/fri-puljen

7th Oct | Nordic and Baltic Networking Conference with Kunst & Kultur i Balance

Take part in the first Nordic and Baltic networking conference for equality and diversity in the art and culture industries.

Deadline is the 7th of October 2024 at noon (Danish time +1 CEST)

Apply at: https://kkib.org/det-vi-goer/

?? Reading Materials

Another Life Knowledge Bank

Explore tools and data in our reports and studies, featuring key concepts and practical resources, all available for free in our Knowledge Bank.

  • Representation and discrimination in the Danish music industry 2022
  • Social Sustainability and Recruitment Handbook
  • Roskilde Festival Report

Access here: https://anotherlifecommunity.com/en/knowledgebank/

F?ljetons Folkebibliotek and A Seat At The Table

I denne s?son af F?ljetons Folkebibliotek har vi inviteret Naima Yasin og Ingrid Baraka fra?asatt.dk til at udv?lge 18 af deres yndlingsb?ger under overskriften?Omsorgsfuld magtkritik.

Fuld liste her: https://www.instagram.com/p/DAqm_xUMO79/?img_index=6

Lucia Odoom | Cosmos

Cosmos er en uimodst?elig roman om en ung mand, der samler flasker og fors?ger at finde en mening med at v?re p? afveje. Lucia Odoom har skrevet en moderne brevroman og en sk?bnefort?lling om global ulighed, venskab og forelskelse.

Another Life is an award-winning non-profit association, that works with representation, mental health, discrimination, and work environment in Danish music and cultural life. You can learn about our work or how to support us on our website by clicking here.


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