October 2024
New Jersey State Bar Association
The voice of the legal profession in New Jersey.
Hello friends,
Welcome to the latest issue of The NJSBA Docket, a bi-monthly bulletin with news from the legal community and Association highlights.
Be sure to check out the calendar for our lineup of educational offerings and networking opportunities. Here’s a primer of what we have in store for the coming weeks, as well as the latest court notices from the Judiciary:
News and Notices from the Courts
Supreme and Appellate Decisions
NJSBA Applauds Supreme Court Determination on Attorney Disbarment
In response to the state Supreme Court’s administrative determination that creates a pathway back to the law for disbarred attorneys, NJSBA President William H. Mergner Jr. issued a statement commending the Court for its careful consideration on the matter. As a result of the collaborative work by the bench and bar, New Jersey now has uniform standards for readmission that ensure the continued integrity of the profession, Mergner stated. The readmission process, while narrow, provides appropriate guardrails that protect the public while continuing to hold attorneys to the highest ethical standards.
Celebrate Pro Bono Service with the NJSBA
There’s still time to register for the annual Pro Bono Awards on Oct. 29. All are welcome for a ceremony honoring six individuals, firms and corporate legal departments that show an outstanding commitment to providing legal services to the state’s underserved residents. The ceremony will take place at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick, where the NJSBA will celebrate the recipients and their work to ensure fair representation under the law.
NJSBF Offers Tips to Become an Informed Voter
The November elections are less than two weeks away. A free guide from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation offers a non-partisan overview about the voting process and how to gather information on candidates from trustworthy sources.
Don’t Miss the NJSBA’s Fall Conference
A Special One-Day Virtual Event
Enjoy a CLE extravaganza from the comfort of your warm house on Nov. 18, when the NJSBA will present a slate of timely and cutting-edge programs as part of its Fall Conference. The day promises seminars in a variety of practice areas, with speakers at the top of the profession.