October 2024
New Jersey State Bar Association
The voice of the legal profession in New Jersey.
Hello friends,
Welcome to the latest issue of The NJSBA Docket, a bi-monthly bulletin with news from the legal community and Association highlights.
Be sure to check out the calendar for our lineup of educational offerings and networking opportunities. Here’s a primer of what we have in store for the coming weeks, as well as the latest court notices from the Judiciary.
News and Notices from the Courts
Supreme and Appellate Decisions
Special Recognition: NJSBA Section Chair Honored with Bankruptcy Distinguished Service Award
Congratulations to Andrew R. Turner for receiving the prestigious 2024 American Inns of Court Bankruptcy Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes a judge or attorney who has exhibited ongoing dedication to the highest standards of the legal profession, the rule of law and personal ethics and integrity in bankruptcy law. Turner chairs the NJSBA’s Appellate Practice Committee and is an active member of the Essex County Bar Association. He has lectured extensively for the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education.
Help Control Stress, Burnout in the Law with the NJSBA
The NJSBA’s Member Assistance Program will host a free, virtual program on Oct. 22 about the many issues that contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression and burnout in attorneys. Mental health experts will discuss strategies and techniques to help you build resiliency and thrive in the profession and your personal life.
NJSBA Member Celebration Days Start Next Week
Join the NJSBA for Member Celebration Days from Oct. 7–11 to celebrate the thousands of members and volunteers who work hard in the profession every day. Participate in the weeklong series of free programs and events to improve your practice skills, network with colleagues and take advantage of the NJSBA’s many member benefits. The week will wrap with an Open House and Networking Reception at the New Jersey Law Center on Oct. 10, where attendees can meet colleagues, expand their business and personal network and learn to make the most of their NJSBA membership. Plus, get a free professional headshot.
NJSBA WIPS Program Series Designed for Women Litigators
Join the NJSBA’s Women in the Profession Section for a three-part series to help women be more successful litigators. The kickoff program on Oct. 22 will address trial skills, when negotiation becomes necessary, mediation, discovery of bad facts and more. Additional seminars on Nov. 19 and a forthcoming date in January will cover settlement strategies and overcoming a lack of self-confidence.
The South Jersey Bankruptcy Practitioners’ Group Seeks Members
Bankruptcy practitioners are invited to join the South Jersey Bankruptcy Practitioners’ Group, dedicated to connecting attorneys with pro bono bankruptcy cases in the nine southern New Jersey counties, including: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Monmouth, Ocean and Salem counties. The group has released its annual meeting schedule and registration information.