October 2024

October 2024

Building a Business is Like Growing a Veggie Garden

For entrepreneurs, starting and growing a business can be compared to tending a veggie garden. Both processes involve patience, strategy, and consistent nurturing to yield long-term success.


  • Start with a Clear Vision
  • Prepare the Soil (Foundation)
  • Plant Seeds (Start Small)
  • Nurture and Water Regularly
  • Adapt to Changing Conditions
  • Weed Out Obstacles
  • Patience Pays Off
  • Reap the Harvest (Celebrate Success)
  • Plan for Future Seasons


Growing a veggie garden and building a business both involve a combination of vision, effort, patience, and flexibility. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, adopting a gardener’s mindset—one of nurturing, adapting, and consistent care—can help you build a business that flourishes in any environment.

Follow my blog here: https://nicoleneschoemanlouw.com

Contract Tip

Relationships are very important in business, as are the tools (contracts) we use to manage them.

Talk to any entrepreneur who has ended up in court; it usually traces back to a poorly drafted agreement or the lack of one!

Entrepreneurs often do not have the time or money to access the legal support they need. That is why I built Contracts4Biz - so that barriers are not the reason we end up in such a terrible situation that all is lost. We also partnered with SchoemanLaw Inc so that we can effectively combine the advantages offered by technology (quality contracts available at your fingertips) with the expertise of specialist attorneys to add to it or modify it where it may be required. Only pay for the modification or edit. I am proud to say that this is one of the most efficient quality legal solutions in the South African market.

So, no, it is not just another online gimmick. It is a major cost and time saver that makes a world of difference to a fast-moving business that needs to reach its full potential.

Share your experience or your take on this month's newsletter, and I am happy to share a free download for a friend or small business you know!

Guy Whitcroft

Working With Successful Businesses, Improving Profitability & Value - Business Transformer | Coach | Mentor | Consultant | Sounding-Board | Independent Director / NED | F.Inst.D

1 周

A great analogy, Nicolene Schoeman – Louw!

Andre Diederichs

Accredited Family Business Consultant & Business Strategist

1 周

Goeie vergelyking. Koop net jou Saad versigtig dat daar nie ONKRUID in versteek is nie.
