October 15, 2022
Kannan Subbiah
FCA | CISA | CGEIT | CCISO | GRC Consulting | Independent Director | Enterprise & Solution Architecture | Former Sr. VP & CTO of MF Utilities | BU Soft Tech | itTrident
“Cyber criminals are targeting the personal data of Australians for financial gain – to sell, to hold to ransom, or to commit financial fraud and scams
As leaders, if we talk about communication and expect people to follow, that communication needs to start with me. We need to be open to it, like lanes of fluid traffic in both directions, not stocked up silos hoarding information for ourselves. I need to communicate what will happen to my team and stay open to taking their feedback. ... We look for similar values when building personal relationships, but this idea is more difficult as a company. I may not expect everyone to share the same politics, but I expect team alignment around certain values. We should all acknowledge the importance of diversity and respect the humanity of each other. We should share a sense of optimism for the company and a desire to contribute to its growth. As leaders, we need to live the story we tell when a great contributor to our team crosses the line. When the behavior is illegal, that decision is a little easier, but determining when behavior crosses an immoral or unethical line can be in the eye of the beholder. However, if something is clearly over the line in my or my employees' minds, I need to take action and be consistent about those opinions.
The dream of a decentralised democratic organisation with low atrophy that can swiftly respond to the needs of our markets is not a pipe dream. To do so we need to shift from an Alpha model for business to a Beta model. However, we continuously allow Alpha to prevail. The focus of agile on the decentralised dream failed because we allowed it to. We, and by we I mean agile practitioners, allowed and continue to allow organisations to believe that they don't have to really change, that this is just a team thing, and to keep the departments and the steering committees and yearly budgets. We are complicit in these continued malformed practices. ... We need to reshape our focus from sustaining the Alpha models to keep people complacent and happy to challenging them and actively promoting Beta models and practices that work in those models. We already have the building blocks to do this in the Agile Manifesto
I think the world has had a reckoning over the past two years, with many candid conversations kicking off. There’s been a lot of vulnerability and accountability, frankly, around making sure that people have inclusive and equitable experiences
The idea of estimating in story points
As data scientists, our first instinct is to begin to understand the data we are going to use to solve our problems. However, we need to understand what is beyond the data to the people involved in this problem. We can have all of the data in the world but if we do not know how users or stakeholders interact with the product and understand it in their terms, we cannot possibly make a solution that is going to fully solve their problem. ... My favorite way to approach generating problem statements is to use HMW statements. In this process, everyone writes down problem statements starting with the phrase “How might we…”. They are usually generated individually and voted on by the group to obtain the best problem statement. HMW statements are written positively to make sure how we remember how the user should feel. ... Now that you have our problem statement, you will need to think about the different ways the problem can be solved. In this step, any idea is a good idea, focusing on quantity over quality.