Oct. 17th Edition of EBRInsights - This Week’s Fast Fact — Life Expectancy vs. Healthy Life Expectancy.

Oct. 17th Edition of EBRInsights - This Week’s Fast Fact — Life Expectancy vs. Healthy Life Expectancy.

Life expectancy is an important consideration in employee benefit design. With respect to retirement plan benefits, increasing awareness of longevity risk has catalyzed retirement product evolution across asset allocation and income strategies and has contributed to retirement income and preparedness being commonplace topics for financial education and counseling. In fact, life expectancy trends have contributed to state policymaker action to address Medicaid expenditures on long-term care and explore new policies for financing long-term care. As life expectancy includes both healthy and unhealthy years, this week’s Fast Fact compares the “measurements” and trends of these two groups.

New Replay From the EBRI 2024 Financial Wellbeing Symposium: The Intersection of Mental and Financial Health.

Next in our series of replays from last month's Financial Wellbeing Symposium, we're highlighting the third session, featuring nBalance Financial founder Dr. George Blount, financial therapist Aja Evans, and moderator Michael Dedmon of NEFE in a discussion of how therapy has evolved to address both mental health and financial stress and how employers can improve accessibility to these types of benefits.

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