OCR Monthly Bulletin – January 2023
Welcome back to the new term! We hope you and your students enjoyed a well-deserved break over the festive season. As we head into the new term, we'll be providing regular subject-specific emails to support you and your students as you prepare for exams. Please take this opportunity to update your preferences, and encourage colleagues to?sign up for updates.
Congratulations to all students getting their GCSE English Language or GCSE Maths?results?next week, or their Cambridge Nationals results at the end of January.
Remember, there's lots of information available for your subject on our?results page.?If you need to provide additional guidance to students, parents and carers such as examples of results slips, you can point them to the?student section?of our website.
In this month's bulletin:
??? Did you know we've recently launched a?podcast?for students and teachers??We've recently published?part 1?of an SEND-themed podcast with part 2 coming soon. Please do visit our podcast and 'follow' us to get the latest episodes...more episodes are coming soon!
Best wishes
View?past issues?of the monthly bulletin?
January 2023 series
Good luck to all students who will be sitting a Cambridge National or Cambridge Technical exam this month, and thank you to all staff supporting them.?If you have any questions, take a look at our dedicated support?webpage.
As a reminder, exams for the January 2023 series take place:
Deadline for submitting centre-assessed marks
For?Cambridge Nationals?and?Extended Project?is next Tuesday,?10 January 2023.
Remember, before marks are submitted to us, you must inform candidates of their centre-assessed marks and allow time for them to appeal these marks.
Arrangements for Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals during 2022/23
We'd like to remind you that we're returning to pre-pandemic arrangements for all our Cambridge Nationals* and Cambridge Technicals assessment taking place during this academic year (2022/23).
Read more in our?news story.
Key points
What happens next and when?
We'll be in contact with your Head of Centre soon?to ask them to confirm that you are?not?using any of the adaptations, including reduction in assessment of moderated units, for assessment due to be taken in 2022/23.
From?February 2023,?we'll ask your centre to confirm the details of any students certificating this summer who used reduction in assessment?last academic year (2021/22).?
We've provided some further?FAQs.
If you need any further information about these arrangements, please don’t hesitate to contact us at?[email protected]?or 01223 555998.
* For clarification, this applies to our legacy Cambridge Nationals suite.
Summer 2023 arrangements, key dates and timetables
Ofqual and the Department for Education (DfE) confirmed in September that GCSE, AS and A Level exams in England will largely return to pre-pandemic arrangements next summer.
On 30 November they released the outcomes of several summer 2023 consultations?–?read our?handy summary.
???June 2023 key dates
As a reminder, we've published the June 2023 key dates for:
? Remember, the deadline for making June 2023 entries for our General Qualifications and Cambridge Nationals is?21 February 2023. ????
As a reminder, you can also view our?June 2023 timetables.
Support students preparing for exams with ExamBuilder
Support your students to practise and build confidence ahead of their exams with?ExamBuilder, our free test-building platform, which allows you to tailor questions and tests to suit the individual needs of your students.
Choose from a large bank of questions to build personalised tests and custom mark schemes, with the option to add custom cover pages to your tests to simulate real examinations. You can also edit and download a large number of past papers.
New year, new professional development courses
Kick-start the year with our wide range of courses, including:
Browse our courses and?book your place?online.
Last chance to win a class set of 30 books
As part of our work on?improving diversity?in our English Literature qualifications, we’re working with Lit in Colour to run a book competition for our A Level English Literature schools and colleges. There's also an opportunity to become an ambassador centre for us and receive an additional 300 books! Discover more on our?competition page.
? Hurry, the competition closes on?31 January 2023.
Admin Essentials training – spring term dates now available
Our online?Admin Essentials webinars?for Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals are now available to book. The events are designed to give you an understanding of the key administration processes for our qualifications. These are suitable for exams officers and teaching staff who are new to these qualifications or those seeking a refresher.
NEW online session coming soon...Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals: Arrangements for 2022/23
This free, online session is designed to give you an understanding of the key assessment arrangements for legacy Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals in 2022/23. During the live event, you’ll be able to ask our expert questions using the on-screen chat.
The session is suitable for exams officers and teaching staff who deliver legacy Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technical qualifications, and will include:
This session will be available to attend in February and March. We'll announce the dates soon.