OCI On-Prem to Cloud Database Migration | DMS - Online Migration | Part 2
If you are a new visitor then first read the part 1 article here
Task 4: Create Migration
2. Press Create Migration
3. On the page General information, fill in the following entries, otherwise leave defaults:
4. Press Next
5. On the page Select Databases, fill in the following entries with the Database Connections created in tasks 1 to 3, otherwise leave defaults:
6. On the page Migration Options, fill in the following entries, otherwise leave defaults:
Validate Migration
The Below steps are to validate a migration before running it. The migration resource must be validated before you can run a job with a migration resource in OCI Database Migration. The validation job will check that all associated database environments are correctly set up.
Task 1: Validate Migration
2. Select On-Prem-To-Cloud-dbamamun
3. If Migration is still being created, wait until Lifecycle State is Active
4. Press Validate button
5. Press Validate button to confirm
6. Click on View Details in the information box above the validate button. You can also navigate to the Jobs resources of this migration.
7. Phases will be shown, and status will be updated as phases are completed. It can take 2 minutes before the first phase is shown.
9. Once all phases show complete, move to the next step.
Task 2: Run Migration
2. Click on Jobs in the left-hand Resources list
3. Click on the most recent Migration Job
4. Click on Phases in the left-hand Resources list
5. Job phases are updated as the migration progresses
6. Wait till Monitor replication lag phase completes and te migration goes into Waiting state.
Data replication is in progress and is capturing all transactions since start of the migration.
7. Open the Cloud Shell located under the developer tools icon on the top ribbon:
8. Enter the following command to run SQL*Plus:
sqlplus system/<admin_password>@<PDB Connection String>
Please replace the following placeholders withe the actual values from terraform output:
In the SQL*Plus prompt please enter the following command:
This will insert a record into the source database simulating new transactions which GoldenGate will identify and replicate to the target database. You can close the Cloud Shell window now.
9. Let's review the migrated data in the autonomous database. In the OCI Console Menu, go to Oracle Database > Autonomous Database
10. In the list of autonomous databases, click on the entry TargetADB99929.
11. Click on the Database Actions list of values button and SQL. If your browser blocks the popup, change it to allow popups from Oracle cloud.
12. Run the following query to locate the previously inserted record on the source database that was replicated to our ADB instance:
select * from hr01.empl where col1='99999';
Click on the Run Statement button, you should see the record in the bottom:
13. You can close the Database Actions window and go back to OCI.
14. In the OCI Console Menu, go to Migration & Disaster Recovery > Database Migration > Migrations
15. Select On-Prem-To-Cloud-dbamamun
16. Select the most recent Migration job.
17. This is the point where a migration user would stop the source application so that no more transactions are applied to the source DB. You can now press Resume on the job to complete replication. In the Resume Job dialog, chose the Switchover App phase and press Resume. The Switchover App phase will gracefully stop replication and allow the user to activate the target application.
18. Once the Job status is WAITING and Switchover phase is Completed , press Resume again:
19. The migration runs the final cleanup phases and shows as Succeeded when finished:
Oracle Cloud Computing Oracle Cloud Amazon Web Services (AWS) Microsoft Azure Google Cloud @OCI Database Migration Services @Oracle CDB @Oracle PDB @AutonomousDB
Very helpful Bhaiya