In the Ocean of Space: What Keeps Our Galaxy on Track Amidst Gigantic Neighbors?
Mohd Iqbal
Exploring the Cosmos | Unraveling the Mysteries of Space, Astrophysics, and the Expanding Universe
In the vast ocean of space, galaxies don’t just exist—they interact, collide, and sometimes merge in spectacular displays of cosmic power. Many of these galaxies are far more massive and powerful than our Milky Way, yet our galaxy remains remarkably stable, performing its cosmic dance with precision.
This raises a profound question:
What forces are at play that not only handle these interactions but also keep our galaxy in motion, maintaining its structure and harmony?
Galactic Interactions: A Constant Tug-of-War
The Strategic Management of a Galaxy
Is it possible that there’s more at work than a simple force? Could our galaxy be employing a more strategic mechanism to handle its surroundings—one that involves both internal stability and external diplomacy?
This would mean that our galaxy doesn’t merely react—it actively “plans,” balancing interaction, protection, and harmony.
The Bigger Picture
If our galaxy is constantly being incited by external forces, what ensures its continued ability to perform its cosmic role? Could the forces at work include a tactical component, akin to diplomacy and defense, managing complex relationships across vast scales of space?