Ocean Bill of Lading | The Notifier of Bill of Lading Cannot Be Ignored
On the ocean bill of lading, there is a role that is easily overlooked by us, and that is the notify party. The Notify Pary column on the bill of lading is where the notify party information is filled in. Some shipping companies' bills of lading will also list The first Notify Party and The Second Notify Party.
Consignee refers to the consignee, usually the customer at the destination port, that is, the real buyer. Under the terms of a letter of credit, it is usually a bank.
Motity Party refers to the notifying party, which is the contact party of the customer at the destination port. If it is the customer himself, you can write 'same as consignee' (this is also the most common display), otherwise it will generally be displayed as the customer's agent or trader at the destination port.
After the goods arrive at the destination port, the shipping company will notify the notifying party on the ocean bill of lading of the arrival information as soon as possible, so that the notifying party can notify the consignee to pick up the goods or do other processing. Prevent other additional costs from being picked up in time. In many cases, the notifying party is written as the notifying party on the ocean bill of lading without knowing it or not communicating well before, which causes delays in picking up the goods or other additional costs. Therefore, when confirming the bill of lading, the notifying party column should also be paid special attention to and should not be arbitrary.
Sometimes we will encounter TO ORDER bills of lading, which generally refer to order bills of lading. The general format is "TO ORDER OF XXX", and XXX endorsement is required to transfer or pick up the goods. If the consignee on the bill of lading is only TO ORDER, then the meaning is TO ORDER OF SHIPPER, which requires SHIPPER endorsement. The notifying party only serves to notify the consignee and has nothing to do with endorsement.