Occurrence Reporting

Occurrence Reporting

Occurrence Reporting Requirements: Operators shall ensure that all their employees and contractors are aware of the mandatory reporting criteria and encouraged to report voluntary occurrence reports. Further details can be found in RP5 https://www.iomaircraftregistry.com/media/1575/rp5-occurence-reporting.pdf

Purpose of Occurrence Reporting: The purpose of occurrence reporting is to improve aviation safety by ensuring that civil aviation safety hazards are reported, collected, analysed, and acted upon. It plays an essential role in accident prevention by enabling the identification and implementation of appropriate remedial actions. Consequently, the proactive safety reporting of hazards by operational personnel is a vital foundation for the management of aviation safety.

Effective Reporting Systems: Effective safety reporting systems ensure that people are willing to openly report occurrences and create an environment in which people can be confident that their report will be used exclusively for improving safety. Operators shall drive forwards their commitment to a positive safety culture so that employees have trust in their occurrence reporting system. The workplace culture shall be error-tolerant and ‘just’. The reporting system needs to be perceived as being fair in the way unintentional errors and mistakes are treated. Actions are more important than words – it is what is done and said that counts most. Building an effective safety culture takes time, but it can be destroyed in an instant through inappropriate words or behaviour. Employees also have a key role to play and recognise that as part of working in a safety critical environment, preventative, corrective or remedial actions can sometimes need to be taken by their employer or the safety regulator. These steps are not punitive but can be needed in order to maintain or improve safety. Everyone can be assured of the IOMAR’s commitment to a just safety culture and our overriding aim to maintain and wherever possible to improve aviation safety through working in partnership with those that we regulate.

Safety Information Protection: Operators must take such measures, as are reasonably necessary, to protect all safety data and safety information obtained by the person under the provisions of the Civil Aviation (Occurrence Reporting) Order from use for a purpose otherwise than in accordance with the Occurrence Reporting Order. Operators must not use safety data or safety information obtained under the Occurrence Reporting Order for any purpose other than for the purposes of maintaining or improving safety and to take any preventative, corrective or remedial action that is necessary, including restricting or withdrawing any persons under the person’s control from an operational duty. Operators must not disclose any safety data or safety information other than for the purpose of promoting or improving aviation safety. Any such disclosure must not identify any individual, whether by the omission of names or otherwise. Persons requiring to disclose safety data or safety PART 1 Chapter 4 – Occurrence Reporting 19 May 2023 Page 17 Registry Publication 4 information for any other purpose must only do so in accordance with an approval granted by the IOMAR and subject to any conditions specified in the approval. RP4: https://www.iomaircraftregistry.com/media/1778/rp4-guidance-to-operators.pdf

Refer to RP5 for further details. https://www.iomaircraftregistry.com/media/1575/rp5-occurence-reporting.pdf


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