Occult Solutions For Modern Day Humanity

The Truth is not changed by ridicule—Annie Besant’s—(Aspects of the Christ.)


If the question were asked, what is really important in life, what would your answer be? Few would argue or deny that the world today is filled with economic chaos, war and strife, and wide- spread personal suffering and pain. Thousands of thousands have lost their jobs and their homes. The number of homeless is continually rising. Recent graduates can’t find employment, and it is a fact that few could challenge that “The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.” Each day the banks and money-lenders and politicians are accumulating wealth while the average investor and common citizen are losing their basic means of support. No wonder there are more people forced to seek charity in our wealthy nation and look toward the federal government for help. And, what do they find? A GOP Congress intent on curtailing ever further the “safety-nets” previously established to try and maintain some poor semblance of an equitable distribution of wealth. Currently, we are faced with an enormous economic problem. The common idea exits that as a nation we are “economically heading toward a cliff,” the result of which will bring untold disaster to our way of life. There is no doubt that much of this gloom and doom has reality behind it. So, what is the solution, or is there any? Thus far, no one in our government, or out of government for that matter, has brought forth a solution with any real merit behind it. The politicians are seized with indecision and doubt as to what to do. Why? Because every conceivable idea brought forth is focused on a materialistic solution of our problems. In all honesty, that is never going to happen. And, take a look at what the media feels is worthy of news. Movie stars’ lives: selling their homes and what they are wearing; hairdo’s, dresses and personal relationships; sports figures and their lives and games; political foibles and the wrongful thinking of politicians; uninportant trivia and useless data in every field of endeavor. “What a man thinketh, so he is” is an occult expression. “What ye sow, so shall ye reap,” as St. Paul tells us; the ancient concept of karma, and karma is the cause for our multiple reincarnations. We need to be reborn over and over and over until we finally discover what is truly important in life.  


There are organizations that exist worldwide that offer a solution to all the problems of this physical plane world since all humanity’s problems are humanly created; the Theosophical Society of America and the World Goodwill Organization only to name only a couple. These organizations’s solutions are readably available. Their literature is grounded in Cosmic Ideas (Plato’s, Forms) and are modern day revelations of the Ancient (Ageless) Wisdom. The distributing of these Ideas in the public domain is the basic reason-to-be for these organizations. Their purpose is to bring Truth and Enlightenment to mankind; to define who and what a human entity truly IS, and the Purpose of all Existence. The TS was established over one hundred and forty years ago and today is as active as ever. World Goodwill has been around for a hundred years. The overseers of the TS’s original founding were two Masters of the Wisdom: Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi.These organizations are the modern day embodiment of the Ancient Wisdom, and the blue books of Alice A. Bailey, World Goodwill, Lucis Press, were dictated to Mrs. Bailey by a long time Initiate of Master Koot Hoomi; one Djwhal Kuhl, the Tibetan Master, who became an Adept in 1875, and was also an overseer of H.P. Blavatsky’s masterly and incomparable  two part opus, The Secret Doctrine, Part One, Cosmo-genesis, explains in detail the creation of our solar system and Part Two describes the Anthropo-genesis of humanity. The Ancient Wisdom cosmic Ideas have been preserved for the benefit of humanity from its very inception on this earth. By the way, the motto of the Theosophical Society is: There is no religion higher than Truth.

These organizations epitomize a true understanding of Brotherhood which impels the believer to see the Unity of all Life. And once accepted, it galvanizes the true Seeker of Truth to seek solutions to the pain and suffering in the world; to bring an end to the economic crises and the severe imbalance of the distribution of goods and services throughout the world. And, it’s the  daily goal of the seeker not to add to this misery but to practice Brotherhood in all efforts and activities. This requires the gaining of control over the lower, personality nature by the higher Self, soul, beginning with total mind control by the individual entity.


What science and technology have contributed to our world has resulted in more and more material items being manufactured daily which supposedly make our lives easier. The huge advances in technological production have reduced the number of workers needed to produce the same amount of gadgets; most recently electronic handheld gadgets. Have you noticed how frequently the makers of these gadgets replace the “old ones,” with the goal of greater profits? And, we call every day for more and more technology and technological research to make even more new products, supposedly to create more jobs but in truth at the expense of human employment. In today’s world, what we are mostly creating is information. This has been called The Information Age. Then, we complain that there are not enough jobs and unemployment is unstable and hard to abate. All of this is rooted in an economy based on monetary profits. All we hear from Congress is about money and a lack of it to support its many diverse goals, as if more money is the solution to all our problems. Produce more trinkets to sell and make more profits. The goal of all of this is rationalized as creating more money for all, so that more people can buy more goods. But is this goal being achieved? And, even if it was is this really all that desirable? Can we envision an end to this roller coaster ride? Consider for a moment the Lord Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and his Eightfold Path. His Four Noble Truths are simple: Ignorance is the basis of all human problems; ignorance leads to insatiable and unrelenting desires; to end desires we have to overcome ignorance; ignorance is overcome by faithfully practicing the Eightfold Path.

                       The Gautama Buddha outlined the “Eightfold Path” to Nirvana. (Soul liberation from Matter.) It is a given that the mere mention of the word Buddha is a “turn off” for those many who fail to fully appreciate the wisdom behind his simple concepts, which are only a fragment of the Ancient Wisdom. How many readers are aware that Gautama Buddha is the only human entity thus far to have spiritually advanced beyond all others in this world period, including his spiritual younger brother, The Christ?

The first Path is Right Knowledge. (Ancient Wisdom). Can we assume that the leaders of our nation have right knowledge? Right Knowledge leads automatically to Right Thinking, Right Speech and Right Action; two, three and four Paths. Can you see any evidence that this is occurring in our nation’s capitol; that our leaders are engaging in these right behaviors; making the right decisions? The fifth of Buddha’s Paths, is called, Right Occupation. This is defined as gaining a livelihood without doing any harm to others; a simple definition; (ahimsa, in his words.) The sixth Path is Right Endeavor; doing whatever we do in full attention and conscious control. The seventh Path is Right Memory; remember only the good things and forget the bad things from our past. The eighth Path is Right Meditation. Behind these simple concepts are the means of true Brotherhood and a guide to righteous living; the major reason for the establishment of the two organizations mentioned above.

To believe in Brotherhood and the Unity of all Life, means that if one does harm to another, that person is doing harm to oneself and to the whole of humanity. If a people or a nation brings harm to other people or nations, they are doing harm to themselves. Each living entity is an inseparable part of the Whole; the All that exists in our universe. A ready analogy is that each manifested form is like a wave in the vast ocean of space.


Can anyone honestly claim that our current means of production is harmless to others? When we produce more goods than can be sold? When there are more goods than money to buy them? When money is scarce, there is less purchases. Less purchases means a cut back in production on which the whole scheme is based, leading to more unemployment and a greater gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots.” On top of this, producers are turning more to robots to replace humans in their efforts to save on cost and increase profits, resulting in an even greater decrease of the labor force. The current goal of “more money for all,” to solve these problems is a gross fallacy. While the top one percent of our society benefits, the remainder suffer. What is truly needed is more SOUL awareness! Each of us is a spark of the ONE FLAME, which is God; a fragment of the ONE OVERSOUL; the Anima Mundi.


Theosophy holds that the true nature of a human entity is not a physical being at all but a Soul, or a Divine Self. The physical body is merely the vehicle to facilitate life on the Physical Plane of our Solar System.  In like manner, our emotional “bodies” and our mental “bodies,” which we ourselves created during our human evolution, are to be used by the Soul on this physical plane.

           The Italian Psychiatrist, Robert Assagioli, in his An Act of Will, had this to say: I have a body but I am not my body; I have emotions but I am not my emotions; I have a mind, but I am not my mind; I am a center of Pure Self-Consciousness. The Soul (Self) is the “observer,” the “watcher” of all that it can choose to create, which the occultist calls the “not-self.”  Like Abe Maslow, who also searched for the truth of a human being, Assagioli died before his time.

The common message to the populace is to “take care of your future in this world, provide for your old age, save and invest.” (Emphases, added.) When in truth it is the future of our Souls and our Spiritual advancement on this evolutionary arc that needs our every attention.

                      Because we now physically exist in a material plane “body,” and our spiritual natures are captives of that physical world, our senses at this stage of our evolution perceive of only a materialistic universe. Thus, it comes rather naturally to interpret everything as being materialistic, and when we are in economic distress and chaos we similarly seek material-world solutions. In fact, a great majority of us have come to believe that this material world is all there is; a material world view. Even science tries to solve every mystery of nature by focusing on what is perceivable to our senses; what is tangible and empirical; a view of the world purely in physical terms. This is the major reason why there are no solutions to our many dilemmas by any materialistic means.

                      For clarity, a major concept of the Ancient Wisdom holds that there are seven planes or dimensions in this lowest Cosmic Physical Plane; each plane having seven sub-levels. The Septenary Principle is a universal Law and is found throughout our universe. It should be noted that each sub-plane is a denser reflection of the next higher one because of a decrease in the vibratory rate of energy as we descend through the lower planes. These planes are in actuality interpenetrating streams of varying energy, each having its own vibratory rate. (Think here of a mandala). Even the scientists agree to the statement that the “Microcosmic recapitulates the Macrocosmic.” The occult term is “As Above, so below.” Or, in our Bible, it is, “On Earth as it is in Heaven.” Our solar system is dual in nature, having a higher Macrocosmic (spiritual) aspect and a lower (animalistic/Material) Microcosmic aspect.

These occult concepts perhaps appear strange to the majority of humanity, especially those who are exposed to them as a “first time.” The occults also hold there is a Cosmic Plan for our solar system and that humanity is a major part of that plan. (The Human Kingdom is the Macrocosmic for the three lower Microcosmic kingdoms.) The Kingdom of Souls is the “home” of the Masters; the next higher one to the human kingdom, and the ultimate goal of humanity. This plan progresses in our universe by way of evolution. Not knowing this does not alter the fact of its existence. “There are more things under the sun than meet the eye.” All the occultist can do is offer to the public these Ancient Wisdom concepts and leave it up the each individual to hopefully consider them at least as “working hypotheses.” As the Buddha says, and this is paraphrasing: If these concepts do not ring true within the silence of your own heart, pay them no heed.


To establish a life of Brotherhood in our lives, we cannot rely on human enacted laws or legislation to attain this goal. The sense and reality of Brotherhood must come from within each one of us. We must gain an inner understanding of the Unity of all Life; that we are each an inseparable aspect of the WHOLE of Existence. The occultists define this idea as the Hylozoistic Theory; a modern version of the old Pantheism.  That all manifested forms are Alive! And are held together by a web of etheric energy that interpenetrates and unites all forms. The idea that we each are separate from all others is pervasive, and results from the way we normally perceive ourselves. Yet, this “great illusion” must be overcome to achieve a sense of Brotherhood.  We are all in this together, period.

           There is only ONE substance in our universe: Electricity/Energy. Everything that exists consists of this ONE Energy. This word exist comes from the Greek ex-stere, meaning “out-being.” Our word, exit, comes from the same root. This ONE energy differentiates into multiple manifested forms throughout our solar system, each having its own color, sound, purpose and level of consciousness. These forms are the “out-being” of all entities in our universe and were created by the Solar Logos. “Having pervaded the entire universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.” This quote is found in the famous Indian Bhagavad Gita, where Sri Krishna explains Himself to Arjuna. There is no real separation in our world. This is only an illusion of our senses, as the above analogy of the waves in the ocean indicate.  

           If more people could understand this concept of Brotherhood, they would see themselves in all others; they would treat all others as they wished to be treated. To cause harm to another is to cause harm to all humanity; what affects the one affects the All. We would come to develop a true love for the whole of humanity, knowing that each perceived entity is a fragment Soul of the Oversoul; the Anima Mundi; A fragment of the eternal Spirit. We would view each entity as a Soul and not as a human being in our interpersonal relationships. There would be no more wars, no crime, no more strife, and no more causing harm to others. The world would share and share alike. There would be no temporal hoarding of wealth by the rich of the world; a useless and totally inhumane pre-occupation. The Sanskrit term for this harmlessness is ahimsa. As the Buddha emphasized: “Do Good, avoid Evil, and advance Spiritually.” There would be a re-interpretation of money and the realization that money is only an energizing instrument to be used for the benefit of the whole society and not an object to be hoarded. There would be no more Ponzi schemes, and no desire to have what others have; all share and share alike. In contrast to this selflessness and Brotherhood we now have a world of wide-spread selfishness, manifested by universal greed. “I got mine, now you get yours.” Wide-spread selfishness and self-aggrandizement was the downfall of the ancient Atlantean civilization. In that ancient civilization, the Forces of Darkness (Evil) fought the Forces of Light (Righteousness) for the control of the human entity. That conflict is on-going today within each of us. For every decision we make, we are supporting one or the other of these dueling forces. And, there is no guarantee our current civilization is immune from the same fate.


The true and essential nature of humanity is Immortal Eternal SPIRIT, and only temporarily “housed” in mortal animal Matter. An old Wisdom saying is: Spirit is Matter at the Microcosmic level, an Matter is Spirit at the Macrocosmic level.  But immortality is not a given; we must earn it by our righteous daily thoughts and actions. The sooner we begin discovering this for ourselves the sooner the majority of humanity will adhere to the Buddha’s Eightfold Paths and other spiritual concepts inherent in the Ancient Wisdom. Again, there is only One Substance in our universe, consisting of a duality: a positive aspect and a negative aspect. All manifested existence came into being by combining these two energies. At the human level this duality is manifested as male and female; the Yin and Yang of the Orient. When true Brotherhood prevails on our earth, then and only then will we have the Right Knowledge to enable us to solve any and all of humanity’s problems, since all these problems are humanly created, as we should have learned from our previous mistakes. Economic crises and distress would come to an end.

 Currently, the leaders of our nation appear to do just the opposite of the Buddha’s Eightfold Paths, which our biased Christianity seems to abhor. In all Truth, there can never be a materialistic solution to humanity’s multiple problems. Materialistic problems are humanly self-perpetuating and only by adhering to a spiritual path can humanity’s problems be solved. Only by discovering who and what we truly are, and the Truth and Unity of LIFE, (LIFE IS ONENESS) and the reason for our existence can solutions be ready at hand. Theosophy and World Goodwill offer us a solution to any and all human problems. All we need to do is thoughtfully and sincerely study the literature of these two wonderfully enlightening organizations and their multiple authors and voluminous manuscripts which are readily available today to the general public to see how this can be achieved.

Many illuminating volumes are available from the national TS headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois; www.theosophicalsociety.org and www.worldgoodwill.org. Remember, we each have a spiritual obligation and a cosmic duty to make this physical world a better place for us all.

           In closing, here is a concept by one of the Masters of the Wisdom:* There does exists a TRUTH, and within humanity hides the potential for its discovery.

*A Master of the Wisdom is a perfected human entity, one who has completed the human evolution and has mastered the laws of nature, (a goal of us all) and has achieved Adept status by completing the five lower Initiations epitomized by Jesus during His three year Ministry in Palestine. The Gautama Buddha, a superhuman, is the only human entity, thus far, to have completed the Eighth Initiation, as mentioned above. Other Masters of the Wisdom have achieved the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Initiation. (See, Initiation Human and Solar, by Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Press, Publishing House of World Goodwill Organization, N.Y. Geneva and London, 1922.) (See also, The Masters, by Annie Besant, TS Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1912, with later editions.)

Note: For those readers who would like to pursue further readings on these cosmic ideas and spiritual concepts, refer, for example, to Annie Besant’s, Esoteric Christianity or The Lower Mysteries, Theosophical Society Publishing House, 1905. See her book also, The Ancient Wisdom, Ibid, 1897. See also C.W. Leadbeater’s, A Textbook of Theosophy, Ch. V, “The Constitution of Man,” TS, Ibid, 1912. H.P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society in 1876, is the author of The Secret Doctrine, outlining the Cosmo-genesis of our universe and Anthropo-genesis, the long history of the evolution of humanity, Ibid, 1888. (Note the date.) Most volumes are available from TS in Wheaton, Illinois.

For those interested in psychology, and a study of the truth of a human entity, there is advanced literature in this field of study which is known as “Esoteric Psychology.” (See Esoteric Psychology, Volumes I (1937) and II (1941), Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Press, Ibid.  There are hundreds of volumes to select from, fulfilling anyone’s most ardent interest. 

And, for those wary of discovering such Truths, Koot Hoomi simply asks, “Just Try.” End.




God being Truth Itself, wouldn't it be better to give God a chance to help us in this life to reach our destination? That is why Christianity believes in revelation encoded in the Bible so that the humans could turn out to be similar to God, as a guarantee for which man is created in the image and likeness of God. In place of Buddha's eight-fold path, we have the eight-fold blessedness received from God as is recorded by Matthew, 5: 3-12. Besides, the chapters 5-7 are a sort of manifesto for righteous living going beyond Buddha's teachings. Buddha could not have thought of God as Jesus did as his very concept of God was a 'free for all' since one who thinks that there is God, there is, and the one who thinks that there is no God, there is none. From this fundamental difference between Jesus and Buddha, everything else follows.



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