OCCAR Director spoke at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels
On 19 April 2021, the OCCAR Director participated in an academic seminar at the Royal Military Academy (RMA) in Brussels, organised by EuroDéfense France and the RMA. The seminar was entitled European Defence: the ways ahead - from Strategic Compass to Ukrainian War. The Director focussed on how to implement effective cooperative programmes leveraging on the experience of OCCAR. He answered questions on the lessons learned from past programmes, on how European countries can get the best value for money of both rising domestic spending and community funding (especially EDF) and on how OCCAR can support its member states and other stakeholders.
The panel members were Mr Theo Francken, MP, Head of the Belgian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and Brigadier-General Georgios BIKAKIS, Director of EUMS Concepts and Capability Directorate.