Obtain Your Prescriptions and Lab Results Report
Appel Financial Inc. just contracted with EXAM ONE owned by Quest Diagnostics one of the largest labs in the country. Our new service allows us, with proper documentation from the client, to obtain your blood lab results for the last 7 years as well as a list of all your prescribed medications.
These reports are essential to have for your records and well being.. The report of your prescriptions has the contact information and specialist who wrote the script as well as all the dosages and exact medication and what pharmacy you purchased it from
Our Lab report provides you with all the blood work and the results of each blood draw for the last 7 years.
These two services are essential for seniors to have for their records and perhaps provide them to their children and new primary care physician if applicable.
If you are a doctor perhaps you should order these reports from us for your patients. If you own an assited living facility, nursing facility it would be prudent to obtain these reports on your population.
If you are Life Insurance Professional you should order our reports for those that are applying for coverage so you have no surprises..
Additionally the report indicates your over all health which is also important to seek additional medical advice or knowing you are in perfect health..
These reports have a nominal FEE and handling charge from our firm. Your reports will be sent to you within 48 hours after we receive your request and our signed forms via inscripted e mail to you.
Appel Financial is an independent Life Settlement firm representing most major buyers of Life Insurance Policies.
Visit us at www.appellifesettlements.com
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