Obtain super-human manufacturing efficiency combining OEE and video analysis

Obtain super-human manufacturing efficiency combining OEE and video analysis

In my work with various manufacturers, one thing has become clear: there is always room for improvement in monitoring and optimising Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). A while back, during a Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) project, I realised how much a manufacturer could benefit from tighter OEE controls. Traditionally, OEE was conducted manually on-site, but I began musing about the potential of an integrated service that could combine PLC, ERP, and new data from Evocon . Quoting Jeremy Clarkson, "How hard can it be?"

The Backstory

In the MSA project, it was evident that manual OEE processes were cumbersome and prone to inaccuracies. The concept of a comprehensive service that pulls together various data sources, including Evocon, was born. This idea was met with interest, but implementation remained a challenge. Yet, my thought has lingered to this day: what if we could merge OEE data with video feeds to provide a powerful visual analysis tool?

Understanding OEE

For those unfamiliar with OEE, it stands for Overall Equipment Effectiveness and is a crucial metric in manufacturing. It measures how well a manufacturing operation is utilised compared to its full potential. OEE is calculated by multiplying three components:

  1. Availability - The percentage of scheduled time that the equipment is available for operation.
  2. Performance - The speed at which the equipment operates as a percentage of its designed speed.
  3. Quality - The proportion of good units produced compared to the total units started.

A high OEE score signifies that a manufacturing process is efficient, productive, and consistent in producing high-quality products.

OEE provides a holistic view of performance - imagine if we can augment this with video...

The Benefits of OEE Awareness

Operational leaders gain super-human powers with a clear understanding of OEE. They can identify inefficiencies, streamline operations, and drive continuous improvement. But what if we could take this a step further by integrating OEE data with video analytics?

The Vision: Integrating Evocon with Wavestore

Imagine sending OEE event data to Wavestore 's Video Management System (VMS). This integration would enable instant search, playback and onward automation of video footage corresponding to specific issues such as breakdowns, slowdowns, changeovers, or quality issues. Here's how it could work:

Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts:

  • Live OEE metrics overlaid on video feeds.
  • Immediate visual feedback on equipment performance and utilisation.
  • Automated alerts for deviations from optimal performance.

Enhanced Root Cause Analysis:

  • Correlate specific events (e.g., machine downtimes, production halts) with video evidence.
  • Conduct thorough root cause analysis with visual context.
  • Quickly identify and address the causes of inefficiencies.

Process Improvement:

  • Use video to observe and understand process variations.
  • Identify best practices and areas for improvement.
  • Implement changes and monitor their impact through visual feedback.

Team-Based Problem Solving:

  • Facilitate team-based problem-solving sessions with video evidence.
  • Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Develop a culture of continuous improvement.

Training and Best Practices Library:

  • Build a library of video footage demonstrating best practices.
  • Use videos for training and coaching purposes.
  • Uplift OEE and productivity by educating teams with real-world examples.

Capture downtime reasons as events that are searchable and can trigger macros/automations based on your criteria for escalation and action.

Automations and Macros with Wavestore

One of the most exciting aspects of integrating OEE data with Wavestore is the ability to create macros and automations. For instance, event data can be configured to trigger specific actions automatically. Here are a few examples:

Automated Alerts and Actions:

  • A stoppage that meets certain criteria could trigger a red light or alarm (Andon) to prompt immediate action on the production line.
  • An email notification with a video snippet of the event could be sent to the Total Quality Management (TQM) or Manufacturing Engineer for a quick resolution.

Proactive Maintenance:

  • Use video analytics to monitor equipment for signs of wear and tear or operator errors.
  • Automatically schedule maintenance tasks or notify the maintenance team when predefined conditions are met.

Enhanced Security and Compliance:

  • Set up alerts for unauthorized access or unsafe conditions.
  • Automatically save and review footage to ensure compliance with safety protocols.

The Art of the Possible

By integrating OEE data with video analytics, we can create a powerful tool that provides operational leaders with unprecedented insights and control. This service would not only enhance root cause analysis and process improvement but also foster a culture of continuous learning and development. The potential for improving OEE and overall productivity in manufacturing is immense.


If you're interested in exploring this approach to enhancing OEE and leveraging video analytics for manufacturing excellence, let's connect. Get in touch to discuss how we can turn this vision into reality.

Together, we can explore the possibilities and create a solution that transforms your manufacturing operations. DM me or drop a comment below to start the conversation.


