Overcoming obstacles with a little help from your friends
Yes, we'll be hit with many during our life. One thing you've gotta have is a good friend. I have a few. You know the kind that watches after you and makes you do things to help yourself. They don't even ask you if you want to. I love them.
She texted me a few weeks ago. Hey Patti. I'm signing up for a boot camp obstacle course and I need a partner. Well, who am I to say no. She had me sky diving, paddle boarding and doing yoga and I didn't even know where we were going until on our way.
Thought I was stronger than that. Had to have a hand under me for that little lift. That's why she needed a partner. Made it over that one.
The next one looked so easy but the line was long and moving slow.
HAHAHAHA! Burying my head as usual. Had some nice road rashes (rubber rashes). It felt good. I needed that. There was my friend, right behind me. (I think she landed in the grass)!
After running and walking and ninja kicking and punching bags and spinning around with your head on top of a bat, push ups, jumping jacks, running a rubber duck down the river, shooting a cup off of your friends head with a nerf rifle, throwing a hula hoop over their head, only to hit them in the face, wetting your pants while running up steps, Yes, she's still my friend. A friend who knows what I need after a hard long week of serious thoughts and stressful work issues and just life in general. I'm laughing and thankful. Thank you for a taste of boot camp. It made work seem so small in the larger scheme of life. Laughter and attitude is the key! Plus a few more friends just like her. Gotta love your friends!