Obsession is a gift | #8
Arda Kukul
General Manager at ARKLON Corporation, Executive Chairman at Foundation ON: Providing personal tutoring and consultancy in Turkish, English and Russian for students and parents on performance, planning & time management.
Each time I hear the word “obsession”, I smile. There might not be any other word that people misunderstand on such a scale.
Obsession has such a bad connotation. It reflects the imbalance, the “unnecessary” ambition and being “stubborn”.
It seems irrational.
It seems counterproductive.?
Whereas I strongly believe that:
It is beautiful.
It is necessary for all the major improvements.
It is crucial for being a visionary.
If you feel that you can see a path that other people cannot see, and if you feel obsessed with it, then go for it.
Not going for it is a big mistake.
If you want to create a difference, be proud of your obsession.
People who do not feel obsessed about anything do not feel a deep necessity to improve.?
If you do not improve, you cannot build.
If you do not build, you do not lead.
To open a new path for the next generations, own your obsession.
It is a gift.