Obsessed with happiness
I feel our culture has become too obsessed with the idea of finding happiness. Advertising is constantly bombarding us with products, and lifestyles that promise to make our lives better and easier.
While I am a big believer in seeking contentment in life, I understand that a breakfast cereal or certain car model is not going to help me find it. Overall, I don't believe it's possible to achieve a constant state of happiness. Just think about it,the feeling of being intensely happy never lasts for long. That said, it is certainly nice when we do experience it. We may find ourselves happy over a new job, a little windfall or even a new car, but the feelings of happiness and elation are fleeting.
What I have noticed throughout my years of working with clients is that the people who seem to have the most contentment in life have something that brings them a sense of purpose. It could be due to a creative project, time spent helping others or even a spiritual quest. In my case, it's my work as an advisor and time spent guiding clients that make me feel good. I try to convey this message to clients when they are lacking enthusiasm in their lives or come to me seeking direction. I usually start by asking them to think about the things that bring meaning to their lives and that give them a sense of purpose. Then we look for ways for them to fulfill that purpose.
Sometimes it could be something as small as taking a little walk in nature to take in the season, tending to a garden or calling a friend, neighbor or family member to check up on them. The positive feelings that rise up in us during the moments when we are engaged with life are meant to be savored. There are many ways to experience contentment in life. We just need to tap into what works for us. In my experience, once you begin this personal journey, it becomes easier and easier. In the end, this is about taking the time to honor ourselves and those around us.