Kiran Kurwade ??
Coached 5+ Lakh Professionals II Multi-Industry Professional || 29 Years - 15 orgs || Director - Office of Strategic Initiatives, Chitkara University ll Gallup Certified Strengths Coach II
There's an observation that am neither this nor that. Am an infinite sky in which all kinds of clouds pass thru...appear & disappear. The thoughts the emotions all fleet thru the screen of me..if I may call it pure #consciousness, #chetna, #atman, #sakshi etc. But you see most of us get lost by this information unless it's truly self experienced. Out of #ignorance, often the so called observer becomes more solid #self, judgmental and #stagnated. Because, in actuality to which one calls a pure observer is a summation of the thoughts, #memories, #desires, #sensory #experiences, #identificationsand the series of subtle #egoes I.e. #fear, #lust, #anger, pride, jealousy, self pity etc formulating a #personality... the #masks. It starts when we are born...as a #baby we are nothing but pure being. It's our #parents, #relatives, #society sow the #seeds of we are something and solidifies our identity. Certainly it varies from family to #family, culture to #culture, country to country. We then are the consequent of the Do's and Don'ts. Good & Bad. Isn't it? Our #gender, #name, #religion, #nationality, #profession, #position etc etc.
So, we are the masks but think we are not. Else we would have not suffered. Because there's a #duality i.e. so called real me and the mask. Whenever there's duality the #division.. there has to be the #conflict ... #suffering. Right?
Therefore it's wise to say the observer is the thought, the thinker is the thought...it's one.
The moment we see it clearly the #acceptance comes naturally. In such observation or attention the jumping from one image to another image ceases. The #truth gets surfaced out that the mask and self is one. It's the same energy that becomes an anger and observation. #SelfAwareness or self observation with complete observation of any #emotion .... evaporates the emotion. The #energy which has turned into anger now becomes an attention or OBSERVATION.
In this observation there is no observer (self) who is #recording, #judging, getting #influenced etc. So no observer neither observed...no duality no division just #oneness. Psychologically and physically also one sees the other is self. Then he says, 'The #enemy is another #me.'
One stops feeding the various identities raised within us since we are born and of course since ages the bio chemical #inheritance from #ancestors, #animals, #plants, #rocks, #elements.
It's not easy to #demolish them ..they often raise their #heads with strong #logic, #excuses, emotional dramas etc obviously they want to #survive !
Observation, non feeding #weakens them.
#Begin and #continue...
Being non #reactive to any such egoes of self and others is the start of self illumination. Such #freedom brings a genetic mutation in #brain...one shines out as #peace, #creativity and #compassion due to dropping of all the masks.
Gratitude ??