Astute observations save countries, saves armies, saves families, saves businesses, and saves lives. Making observations are critical for you and me to live and function successfully in this world.
Several years ago, I was in a hospital waiting room and began to have a conversation with a gentleman who worked as a mid-level manager at one of our nation’s principle automotive manufactures.?As we began to casually discuss what each of us did for a living, He volunteered how he actually had several cell phones to accomplish the various tasks to which he was assigned. On just one of his cell phones the bill was well over $500 the preceding month. He said, some of his phone bills were even higher in that same month!
My observation was, this was a company that did not think something as simple, useful and critical to their companies functioning was a big enough budget item that it deserved the scrutiny that other more core business concerns demanded. It was clear, just from this one incident, that their wireless telecom spend and usage was likely out of control.?
A few months later, I began to hear about severe budget difficulties, layoffs, and plants closings. This pillar of American industry was literally at the verge …. Was I surprised? Not really, I anticipated it. It was due to my observation just a few months earlier.
You may ask, how are you so confident extrapolating into the future on just one incident? It may have been an anomaly. Well, it may have been.?However, I suspected this was just the norm. A budget item small enough that it doesn’t get the kind of scrutiny it deserves yet critical enough that this one mid-level manager was spending, literally $1,000’s of dollars more each year than was necessary. Getting such budgetary items under control may have not saved this auto company but it sure could have helped.
If this observation wasn’t most often correct a company like Integrity CSI could not thrive.
Telecom Industry experts have found up to 80% of telecom invoices have some issue that should be addressed.?Just listen to this new client’s experience after they asked for Integrity CSI's help.
?Balls Food Stores (27 locations) Mike Beal VP/CIO
We were in the process of renewing our telecom agreements when you contacted us about helping our company reduce our telecommunications expenses. We have long standings relationships with our vendors and were not necessarily dissatisfied, however, we made the decision to bring in your company. Integrity Communications Services, Inc., to perform a review of our overall telecom configuration and pricing.
Your business model of compensation for work performed only if it reduces our telecom expenses was a no risk opportunity for Balls Foods. We were very pleased with the decision to use your company’s services. Had Integrity CSI not been brought in, we would have left $121,000 on the table – which is big dollars in our low margin grocery industry. Not only did Integrity CSI negotiate a reduction in our telecom operating expense, they did so without us having to switch vendors. In addition to saving significate monthly expenses, we also got rid of a number of old phone lines that our team had no idea we were still paying for or whether we still needed. I highly recommend Integrity CSI as an advocate for any company’s IT department or any CFO interested in saving unneeded expenses.
How about your company? If you were to step out of your office and ask to observe the top 10% of your biggest cell phone users and their spend, what would you find? Can you even identify your top 10% of percent users and spenders? Does your telecom team have the automated tools in place and/or the time to observe, analyze, and ensure your companies spend is disciplined and your cell phones are being correctly utilized?
Whether you’re in-house team avails itself of the best Wireless Expense Management (WEM) software available, or you choose to outsource to Integrity CSI to intelligently blend our automated tools with 80 years of telephony experience (Smart-Sourcing). Integrity CSI’s knowledgeable use of automation may not be as critical to your company's bottom-line as some other budget items, but it certainly couldn’t hurt! If you were to take the time to observe and analyze your Telecom services, what do think you would find?
Established in 1997 Integrity CSI provides performance-based, self-funded, vendor-neutral telecom expense reduction services, wireless and wireline.
B: 913-856-7504
M: 913-927-6696