Observations from Digestive Disease Week 2022
Healio Strategic Solutions
Connecting life sciences companies with Healio's nationwide audience of HCPs through strategic marketing solutions.
Written by Adrienne Stevens, EdD, MBA - Healio Strategic Solutions’ VP, Head of Scientific Strategy
Digestive Disease Week? (DDW) is an in-person and virtual meeting that was held from May 21-24, 2022. The meeting showcased more than 3,100 abstracts and hundreds of lectures on the latest advances in gastrointestinal research, medicine, and technology. DDW is the leader in showcasing education in basic science, novel therapies, and clinical guidance related to the care and management of the gut. As the organization notes, “DDW brings physicians, researchers and other industry professionals together to exchange knowledge, formulate ideas and uncover new ways to improve the lives of those living with digestive diseases”. Key societies like the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), American Gastroenterology Society (AGS), American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), and the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) have opted to hold their respective meetings during disease week. The estimated number of attends at DDW 2022 was more than 11,000 live and virtual attendees.
For many, the onsite venue provided a much-needed recharge for those who had not attended a live meeting in two years. The exhibit hall teemed with activity, with most companies having a presence designed to engage clinicians and researchers interested in digestive diseases. Interactive theaters were set up to allow clinicians to perform scans, endoscopies, and other surgical procedures.
Members of the Healio Strategic Solutions (HSS) team attended this meeting to meet with customers and opinion leaders and see the breadth of topics that interest healthcare professionals. Kristen Weil, Sr. Business Development Strategist at HSS noted, “After a 2-year hiatus, it was great to be back in person (with virtual options) at DDW in San Diego. The venue provided a terrific opportunity to reconnect with industry partners and the meeting’s faculty and attendees. Clients were happy to talk about the gastroenterology landscape and how it has changed over the last two years, working through challenges and emerging stronger than before the pandemic.”
For more information on Healio Strategic Solutions' products and solutions:
Email Adrienne Stevens at [email protected] or DM Adrienne on LinkedIn.
Email Kristen Weil at [email protected] or DM Kristen on LinkedIn.
We look forward to connecting with you!