An observation for my fellow Americans
I’m addressing you, my fellow Americans.
Do some self-introspection and be honest: are you satisfied with the quality of your life? Are there situations in your life that could be improved? Every day we are bombarded with news about opioid and drug-related deaths, judges, lawyers, law enforcement, suicides, wars, domestic and international terrorism, gun violence, poverty, politicians who spew hate at every campaign rally, corrupt politicians, unfair taxation, anti-Semitism, anti-everything good, climate change, the cost of living, ad nauseum. The list is endless.
Have any of these or others affected you directly? Regardless, unless you live alone on an island, some have probably impacted you indirectly. If you are a normal functioning American, your stomach turns when you are exposed to these societal ills because you feel powerless to control the events that shape your life and attitudes. For example, the U. S. Constitution enshrines “power to the people” by enabling eligible Americans to participate in the direct election of their government representatives. This is well and good in theory but when was the last time you praised an elected official for fulfilling your wishes? Let’s face it; it rarely happens!
(to be continued...)