Obligation Stifles True Freedom
Geometric Pattern Designed by Jon Martin

Obligation Stifles True Freedom

Obligation is the nemesis to our freedom.

Obligation states mandatories and musts that bury themselves deep within the subconscious realms of the mind and being, infiltrating and hi-jacking why we do anything. And if done in this recipe, it is not a choice of free-will, yet something else choosing for us disguised as you.

The paradox comes when we see that in reality, this is no autonomous choice at all. Something else outside of us, and within us (as we see) calls upon us to do things that in our deepest quest for honouring self, is not actually aligned. It is actually causing us pain and stress.

I believe I have been fairly up front about my journey, but still secrets I do hold. Some things can be kept to self as long as we are willing to free ourselves from its burden, if that in fact is what it is. If we choose not to acknowledge, it remains there, emanating from the depths of your being.

Freedom has been one of those secrets, or my lack there of. I believe that when we set in motion our concept of what our life is to be, it happens, always. It is never as we could have contrived, the logical mind is too limited in its conditioned focus to conjure up the mysteries of how Life will unfold? My freedom or anti-freedom has been unravelling and unravelling for many years. You want to know How it will unfold? Shift the little line 45 degrees clockwise on the "H" and you get "Now". How is Now. Now is How. Focusing on the present.

I preached freedom because I knew eventually I could put the work, training, and dedication into approaching from such a non-freedom-based self I once knew. I knew I was on the path to freedom, and from the deepest essence, that what I was in fact living was freedom, or rather the unravelling that my choice to freedom was becoming.

I couldn't see it though, it was invisible as it cannot play out until other things come before, this is where the logical mind fucks us up, we think we can contrive how things unfold and control what others are doing in this process = not good.

I was able to develop my own Truth, and knew without a shadow, the work worked. I saw the evidence, I saw the inspiration, I saw the Truth, my Truth. My Truth said Yes.

Freedom however in my life up until that point had been drastically compromised. It was always held for pleasing another in order not to undergo the conflicting pain of seeing myself reflected back in dismay.

If I projected a sense of obligatory response, it would mere back that same obligation in comfort. I was flirting with freedom, but totally locking into obligation. In everything. What to say, what to do, what not to do was everyone else's opinion that I was totally creating in my head based on what I thought someone would think, solely based on my past limited experience. What a drain!

Freedom states that I have a choice and it is purely, and I state purely based on what I choose consciously. We are not free if we are living under any obligation.

How do you see the relationships you hold the dearest? Are kids an obligation? Staying married? Having one partner for life? House, family responsibilities, work etc. If we are locked into some fear conditioning of obligation as to why we do things or how we relate, we can't actually choose. If our kids are an obligation, we are not choosing them (AND THEY FEEL IT!) So does your partner, your co-workers etc.

The sad thing is that business is based on conditions, it is purely based on this. It is based on obligation and selling ourselves for the comfort and profit of others = not good.

Freedom itself however, as it has been painted, is not actually a choice from a verbal standpoint "I'm Free" will most likely conjure up something in the mind, body, and emotional body that tells you why you are not free.

If you are guided to work Spiritually, the root cause of why you feel obligated will appear, how powerful is that!?! We can change this, shed the obligations, feel what it's like to hold them, then unlock every other choice in the spectrum, which is endless, you get your choice back!

Most people who yearn for Freedom, desperately seek freedom at all costs. They try and out do one another for Freedom, most often in the haze, an economic calamity. They get ANGRY at others that challenge their freedom, take it away, leave them with none, stuck in the cage as a rat. We project out to have others feel our pain, however in doing this, we don't release and the other suffers from the poison.

Well this anger is the gateway yes, even in our hysteria and name calling there is medicine, but it is not optimal. Feeling and releasing emotions, by not directing it at others, is how the accountable hold responsibility for their own emotions, or clearing them for that matter.

Obligation or lack of freedom is the inner pain that is communicating through your body, your mind, your emotions and originating in the Spirit or Soul. It is telling you what you no longer need to hold!

How often in the workplace are you doing things because of someone else, or how they'd feel, or how they'd feel if it wasn't done. How much fear are you carrying around with you? Even if your awareness isn't there, I guarantee you that most if not all carry around a burden of obligation with them, EVERYWHERE.

If anything impedes our OWN choice, it is not a choice and rather an obligation to satisfy some projected requirement that may or actually may not be actually there. What a trip!!!

The mystery of the mirroring self states though, we interact, especially in long-term intimate relationships, with those that come to show us what we hold on to.

Where you are emotionally triggered is the recipe, the root, of why you hold on to what you do, why you perceive what you do, and what shows up in your life. This is reality, once you see it, you cannot not see it. Once you address it, it ceases to become a thing.

So where do you feel obligated? What is it holding you back from? Who do you attribute this to? Can you see how you may be holding yourself back in some form of self-seeded obligation to something or someone.

Where is this showing up in your life? You'll be surprised at why we do the things we do, and how draining obligation can be.

On the other side of obligation :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::STILLNESS, a choice, FREEDOM.

This is why I do this work, it feels so amazing to let go of lifelong patterns or at least gain visibility of them. When they present, they are a gift to be transformed. The alchemist does not define anything as junk, everything can be turned to gold and there is always beauty in the lead.

In Love

Connect with me if you want me to journey with you through these deeper life questions and challenges. My services are a gift and I create great joy in helping assist others to learn to be the empowered self-healer they've ALWAYS known to be.



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