Jonathan ?? Pritchard
Does your company exhibit at 2+ trade shows a year? What if there's a way to get 2-5x more business from your booth? Would that be worth a conversation?
Five points if you get the reference with the image… Anyway, let’s get into it.
In the sales world there’s a common topic of conversation: objection handling.
But, I find the term… well… objectionable!
Why? It programs you to believe that you’re doing something wrong!
You’re not doing anything objectionable by selling solutions to important problems.
Reject that framing in your mind & heart.
I do, however, think there’s still important work to be done on two fronts.
1) Confusion around what it looks like to work together, which you should clear up before you get to price. Deliverables, responsibilities, execution, timelines, etc.
Then the heavy hitter that destroys most deals…
2) Deception. I don’t mean lies you’re telling them. I mean lies they’re telling themselves! The lies they’ve BEEN telling themselves for months or even years. “I’ll get back to you” or “I’ll think about it” or anything other than “I don’t trust myself to make the right choice which is the worst way to make sure I only choose the wrong path.” THAT’S the truth, but they can’t face it.
So you have to politely (but FIRMLY) present them with the reality of their lies and ask them how they’re going to deal with it.
This is the real heart of “objection handling” that 99% of your dear sales gurus can’t touch.
It would need a bona fide mind reader, and where would we find one of those?
Best thoughts,
~Jonathan "Objection Handled" Pritchard
?? Jonathan Pritchard is the founder of several consulting agencies focused on helping clients & companies win more business with more persuasive branding, marketing, sales, and delivery.
He offers training through soft skills workshops, books, and through his online training platform, The Academy of Applied Mentalism.