The creative powers of the individual are developed naturally through attention to the facts of life, particularly life as it is immediately known through one's individual existence. The existential lens is inescapable, although this may not be apparent.
It becomes apparent to those who are attentive. Others continue sleep-walking, under the dominion of an apparently objective reality, victims of objectification.
Objectification follows the sequence:
1. Others appear to me as objects in my world. My reality is subjective.
2. Others belong exclusively to the object reality. The object reality is valued more than the subject reality. I too am an object.
1. I appear to be an object within the object reality, but essentially I am a subject.
2. Others are also subjects, although they may not realize it.
The realization of subjectivity and free will is essential for the development of psychic and creative life, as it is for the progressive culture that grows within a civilization, without which the latter is only rind without fruit.