Object-Oriented Programming in Lua

Object-Oriented Programming in Lua

Tables as objects

In Lua, tables serve as the foundation for object-oriented programming (OOP). Unlike traditional OOP languages, Lua doesn't have built-in classes, but tables can be used to create objects with properties and methods.

To create an object, we define a table with key-value pairs:

local person = {

??? name = "John",

??? age = 30,

??? greet = function(self)

??????? print("Hello, I'm " .. self.name)

??? end


This table represents a person object with properties (name, age) and a method (greet). We can access and modify these properties:

print(person.name)? -- Output: John

person.age = 31

person:greet()? -- Output: Hello, I'm John

Metatables and metamethods

Metatables enhance the behavior of tables, allowing us to define custom operations. Metamethods are special functions within metatables that define how objects interact.

Here's a comparison of common metamethods:




Lookup for non-existent keys


Assignment to non-existent keys


Make the table callable like a function


Define addition operation


String representation of the object


Example of using a metatable:

local Person = {}

Person.__index = Person

function Person:new(name, age)

??? local obj = setmetatable({name = name, age = age}, Person)

??? return obj


function Person:greet()

??? print("Hello, I'm " .. self.name)


local john = Person:new("John", 30)

john:greet()? -- Output: Hello, I'm John


Inheritance and polymorphism

Lua supports inheritance through metatables. We can create a base class and derive subclasses from it:

local Animal = {}

Animal.__index = Animal

function Animal:new(name)

??? return setmetatable({name = name}, Animal)


function Animal:speak()

??? print("The animal makes a sound")


local Dog = setmetatable({}, {__index = Animal})

Dog.__index = Dog

function Dog:new(name)

??? return setmetatable(Animal:new(name), Dog)


function Dog:speak()

??? print(self.name .. " barks")


local generic_animal = Animal:new("Generic")

local fido = Dog:new("Fido")

generic_animal:speak()? -- Output: The animal makes a sound

fido:speak()? -- Output: Fido barks

This example demonstrates both inheritance and polymorphism. The Dog class inherits from Animal, and we can override methods to achieve polymorphic behavior.

Now that we've covered the basics of object-oriented programming in Lua, let's explore Lua's standard libraries to enhance our programming capabilities.


Dinesh Kumar Arivarasan (DeeKay)的更多文章

