Object Oriented Programming CLI:
Let's break down and explain the code step by step:
1. Importing Modules
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
import chalk from 'chalk';
inquirer: This module is used for creating interactive command-line interfaces.
chalk: This module is used for styling the terminal string output with colors.
2. BankAccount Class
class BankAccount {
??? accountNumber: number;
??? balance: number;
??? constructor(accountNumber: number, balance: number) {
??????? this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
??????? this.balance = balance;
??? }
??? withdraw(amount: number): void {
??????? if (this.balance >= amount) {
??????????? this.balance -= amount;
??????????? console.log(chalk.green(`Withdrawal of $${amount} successful. Remaining balance: $${this.balance}`));
??????? } else {
??????????? console.log(chalk.red("Insufficient balance."));
??????? }
??? }
??? deposit(amount: number): void {
??????? if (amount > 100) {
??????????? amount -= 1; // $1 fee charged if more than $100 is deposited
??????? }
??????? this.balance += amount;
??????? console.log(chalk.green(`Deposit of $${amount} successful. Remaining balance: $${this.balance}`));
??? }
??? checkBalance(): void {
??????? console.log(chalk.blue(`Current balance: $${this.balance}`));
??? }
? BankAccount Class: Represents a bank account with an account number and balance.
? constructor: Initializes the account number and balance.
? withdraw: Deducts the specified amount from the balance if sufficient funds are available.
? deposit: Adds the specified amount to the balance, deducting a $1 fee if the amount is greater than $100.
? checkBalance: Prints the current balance.
3. Customer Class
class Customer {
??? firstName: string;
??? lastName: string;
??? gender: string;
??? age: number;
??? mobileNumber: number;
??? account: BankAccount;
??? constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string, gender: string, age: number, mobileNumber: number, account: BankAccount) {
??????? this.firstName = firstName;
??????? this.lastName = lastName;
??????? this.gender = gender;
??????? this.age = age;
??????? this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
??????? this.account = account;
??? }
? Customer Class: Represents a bank customer with personal details and a linked bank account.
? constructor: Initializes the customer's personal details and assigns a bank account.
4. Creating Bank Accounts and Customers
??? const accounts: BankAccount[] = [
??? new BankAccount(1001, 500),
??? new BankAccount(1002, 1000),
??? new BankAccount(1003, 2000)
const customers: Customer[] = [
??? new Customer("Hassan", "Ali", "Male", 35, 5463767871, accounts[0]),
??? new Customer("Salma", "Asad", "Female", 24, 5487134256, accounts[1]),
??? new Customer("Ramsha", "Asghar", "Female", 28, 6767827871, accounts[2])
accounts: An array of BankAccount instances with predefined account numbers and balances.
customers: An array of Customer instances linked to the corresponding bank accounts.
5. Service Function
async function service(): Promise<void> {
??? while (true) {
??????? const { welcomeOption } = await inquirer.prompt<{ welcomeOption: string }>({
??????????? name: 'welcomeOption',
??????????? type: 'list',
??????????? message: 'Welcome to the Bank! Please select an option:',
??????????? choices: ['Enter Account Number', 'Exit']
??????? });
??????? if (welcomeOption === 'Exit') {
??????????? console.log(chalk.blue("Exiting bank program..."));
??????????? console.log(chalk.blue("\nThank you for using our bank service. Have a great day!"));
??????????? break;
??????? }
??????? const { accountNumber } = await inquirer.prompt<{ accountNumber: string }>({
??????????? name: 'accountNumber',
??????????? type: 'input',
??????????? message: 'Enter your account number:',
??????????? validate: value => !isNaN(Number(value)) && Number(value) > 0 ? true : 'Please enter a valid account number'
??????? });
??????? const customer = customers.find(customer => customer.account.accountNumber === Number(accountNumber));
??????? if (customer) {
??????????? console.log(chalk.yellow(`\nWelcome, ${customer.firstName} ${customer.lastName}!\n`));
??????????? const { operation } = await inquirer.prompt<{ operation: string }>([{
??????????????? name: 'operation',
??????????????? type: 'list',
??????????????? message: 'Select an operation:',
??????????????? choices: ['Deposit', 'Withdraw', 'Check Balance', 'Exit']
??????????? }]);
??????????? switch (operation) {
??????????????? case 'Deposit':
??????????????????? const { amount: depositAmount } = await inquirer.prompt<{ amount: string }>({
??????????????????????? name: 'amount',
??????????????????????? type: 'input',
??????????????????????? message: 'Enter the amount to deposit:',
??????????????????????? validate: value => !isNaN(Number(value)) && Number(value) > 0 ? true : 'Please enter a valid amount'
??????????????????? });
??????????????????? customer.account.deposit(parseFloat(depositAmount));
??????????????????? break;
??????????????? case 'Withdraw':
??????????????????? const { amount: withdrawAmount } = await inquirer.prompt<{ amount: string }>({
??????????????????????? name: 'amount',
??????????????????????? type: 'input',
??????????????????????? message: 'Enter the amount to withdraw:',
??????????????????????? validate: value => !isNaN(Number(value)) && Number(value) > 0 ? true : 'Please enter a valid amount'
??????????????????? });
??????????????????? customer.account.withdraw(parseFloat(withdrawAmount));
??????????????????? break;
??????????????? case 'Check Balance':
??????????????????? customer.account.checkBalance();
??????????????????? break;
??????????????? case 'Exit':
??????????????????? console.log(chalk.blue("Exiting bank program..."));
??????????????????? console.log(chalk.blue("\nThank you for using our bank service. Have a great day!"));
??????????????????? return;
??????????? }
??????? } else {
??????????? console.log(chalk.red("Invalid account number. Please try again."));
??????? }
??? }
service Function: Handles user interaction with the banking system.
? Welcome Prompt: Presents the user with options to enter an account number or exit the program.
? Account Number Prompt: Prompts the user to enter their account number.
? Customer Validation: Checks if the entered account number corresponds to an existing customer.
? Operation Prompt: If a valid customer is found, presents options to deposit, withdraw, check balance, or exit.
? Deposit: Prompts for an amount to deposit and updates the account balance.
? Withdraw: Prompts for an amount to withdraw and updates the account balance.
? Check Balance: Displays the current balance.
? Exit: Exits the program and thanks the user.
The service function runs in a loop, continually prompting the user until they choose to exit.
My github link https://github.com/farida-bano/OOB-CLI-Project-10.git
my npx fbano1-oob-cli.
thank for reading .